Thursday, October 27, 2011

God is incredible

I have not blogged in simply 8 days but it has been a really really long but wonderful 8 days. It feels like I have not blogged in weeks-so I get on and I see October 19, and it is only the 27th- I was in a little bit of shock.
But anyways the last 2 days Mississippi College Singers has been on tour which means music majors that are not in Singers get a break! SO Tuesday I simply hung out with a bunch of people! Wednesday. I don't really feel like going into this so long story short I spend 5 hours in the ER to get told to go have an ultrasound at 7:30 in the morning because another long story short something is causing me pain where I had my gallbladder and we don't know what.
Music major life is going phenomenally amazing! I am in love with my classes. I understand how to read inversions, base position symbols, and am starting to write with I's!
The Lord is absolutely going crazy in my life. I am going to East Asia this Christmas and so I am starting to prepare for that and it is getting crazy! I can not believe I will not be home at all for Christmas. Like-ZERO. It finally hit me last weekend because I had a meltdown. However it was needed because now I am more open with the fact of me freaking out but that the Lord has this in His hand. He always does. I am nervous I will get homesick so I am already praying for that. But I know the Lord wants me to go-so He will make me feel however I need to. So I will have my mind there and not home.
Ok I gotta go-I am going to HobLob :)

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Peace that surpasses understanding

So I have not blogged in forever because my life has been flipped a thousand times for the better.
I am a music major. DONE. I think I tweet a thousand times a day about how much I love it and how I know it is where I am supposed to be. Well. I do because last year I had such an unpeace about my major(s) and what I was going to do with them. I was between a thousand things and God used the funniest situation EVER. She does not even know it was her. Anyways her name is Emily. I now do worship kind-of at FBCJ and Em did it there and asked if I would take her place. So we go to play guitar and sing and I reply I don't sing and she says let me see. So we sing and Em was like oh no you are not bad you should go for it. So I lead worship and it was SO fun-I realized that I was still madly in love with music. So long story short I go to this random lady who is now my vocal teacher and ask her if I can be a music major and she says yes. So here I am-all because of the right circumstances in my life. I love it even when I have NO idea what I am doing. :)
Also I got a coffee pot from my friend named Jen (RA staff) and so every morning I wake up an hour and 15 minutes before class-make coffee while I shower and then drink my coffee and I spend time with the Lord. It is magical. :)
I am reading Exodus. God is powerful and mighty to do anything. Amen.