Sunday, August 21, 2011

God is the same everywhere-really?

So it's been too long since I have blogged. Like-2 insane life-altering weeks.
I have been at school for like a week and some odd days. I have done RA training. Very amazing people I get to work with-who love the Lord with their whole life makes interacting drastically different and it makes me want to strive to know the Lord more seeing my fellow RA's having such a close relationship with Him.
Move-in day was yesterday and it was great! My adrenaline was running like crazy and it was like my dream of fun! I loved every second of it. That night we did 'midnight mission' and it was amazing. Last year hall programs were kind of a 'downer' and not many people came. Dude- the whole 5th floor deck roof was filled with freshman. Only Jesus could have ever done that one. Props to Him. A few RA's talked and so did our RD Melony. Now I had conversed with Melony over the summer while I was at kamp-as we know I was struggling along. She e-mailed me and I wrote her and she probably thought I was a bit (a lot) loony and over the top but hey-it's me. Anyways, she said something that I know but it was a light bulb moment for me.

Can you even believe that? The God that got me through the hardest summer of my life-that I was TOTALLY dependent on-is the same God that I don't even think twice about during my usual day.
That slapped me in the face in such a positive way.
I am learning to let go and let God. It sucks a lot no lie-but hey, it's part of doing life with the Lord.

I start classes on Wednesday-it has not hit me. I can not believe I am a music major. I'm freaking out for the best way possible. If I'm good at it-it's God's sign for me to stay. If I hate it-I am not sure what I will do. God has my life in His hand so no I like to think :)

I love my staff. The 7 RA's and RD: Emily, Ann, Jen, Mary Catherine, Anna, Kayton, Hanna, Melony, and I make it up. And God placed them each there and we would not be complete without the other. Everyone has something amazing to contribute. And I feel so at peace with them and view them as my wonderful family in Christ-hey we are :) Melony is only 21 (22 in a week) and I swear she is so much more mature than us all. So yea I love New Women's East staff!!! :)

Monday, August 8, 2011

Life is so dramatic at times

So I go back to Clinton for good in 4 days..yes THAT IS IT. I feel like that lame freshman that is entirely nervous to make friends again. Why? Well first I am an RA and I am extremely nervous my girls won't like me. And second, I am a music major and it's a cult basically and I hope everyone likes me.

I still can not get kamp off my mind. I am having THE hardest time giving this one to God. No I will happily give my family's salvation over to Him, give Him my major, where I went to school..blah blah blah..but kamp is a completely different level for me. I have a wonderful friend who pointed out that I was being super self-centered in my talking of kamp. 'I' want to go back next year to get pictures, 'I' want to go back to get a boy, 'I' want to go back to finish what I started..etc. But never ONCE did I say 'I' want to go SERVE the Lord..the whole POINT of kamp.
So today on my car ride home it hit me that I may not go back to kamp if I don't have the right I'm just crying my eyes out yes, while driving, because I may not get what I want-but if it is what God wants I will accept it. Cuz I mean He is God and all.

I also now know someone kinda personally that is spending eternity in Hell. And that has dramatically changed my view on everything. I always think I wonder if I could have done something, or said something. But...I know that God has a plan, and maybe now someone can come to Christ because of him..but it doesn't make it easier.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


So my life is one of those lives I tend to not share my super inner thoughts, but I feel like I can say whatever I want on this here blog because hey- it's mine.
So, I did a LONG paper on facebook and how it defines America..yada yada.
One portion of it was how facebook used to delete people who died, but after the Virginia Tech. incident they decided to use it as a sort of memorial. I have never seen it happen, before a few days ago. My dad's co-worker, and my sisters good friend-shot himself a few days ago. And now everyone is like mourning on his facebook....FACEBOOK. just sayin'. I mean great for them- and for lots of other people who do that. However, the second I meet Jesus I want my facebook turned off and I'm sorry I don't really care about the earth when I am in heaven..hello I'll be with JESUS.
And, my sister is divorcing her husband right now, and it sucks obviously. Divorce seems to be running in the family these days. Gosh I am ready to be married though. Most kids in my situation would be scared of being married, but I'm the complete opposite. Weird.
I am ready to go back to school.
I am ready to go back to school.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

So..grace rocks.

So, my internet doesn't work that much-so when it does I plan to blog.
I went to Orange Beach- IT ROCKED.
I got another tattoo. It says 'risk the ocean' in dark blue letters on my right flip flop line. Now most of the population thinks it is kind-of silly, and quite frankly I could care LESS what you think. It is between me and God :D But- I love the ocean. I feel it is a form of worship for me. I am always in awe at how the sand holds the water up and how it could CRASH at me any moment- but doesn't.
And risk the ocean-there's only grace. Meaning- no matter what you can JUMP...PLUNGE into the ocean of God and know that no matter what He has a plan for you. And I struggle with knowing that He has my life in His hand, so that visual reminder will be wonderful. So yea.
David Crowder thanks for the inspiration.

I go to school soon. I'm ready to be an RA. To show I am caring, and loving, and all the things I usually am not. I feel like I am about to dramatically change for the good of my life and the Lord, alright- BRING IT.