Tuesday, August 2, 2011

So..grace rocks.

So, my internet doesn't work that much-so when it does I plan to blog.
I went to Orange Beach- IT ROCKED.
I got another tattoo. It says 'risk the ocean' in dark blue letters on my right flip flop line. Now most of the population thinks it is kind-of silly, and quite frankly I could care LESS what you think. It is between me and God :D But- I love the ocean. I feel it is a form of worship for me. I am always in awe at how the sand holds the water up and how it could CRASH at me any moment- but doesn't.
And risk the ocean-there's only grace. Meaning- no matter what you can JUMP...PLUNGE into the ocean of God and know that no matter what He has a plan for you. And I struggle with knowing that He has my life in His hand, so that visual reminder will be wonderful. So yea.
David Crowder thanks for the inspiration.

I go to school soon. I'm ready to be an RA. To show I am caring, and loving, and all the things I usually am not. I feel like I am about to dramatically change for the good of my life and the Lord, alright- BRING IT.