Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Dear Theory 3,

Dear Theory 3,
First I'd like to address your DISTANT cousin classes-Theory 1 and 2.

Dear Theory 1 and 2,
I would like to take a moment to thank you for everything you have taught me pertaining to music.  I can now understand why music is written the way it is.  I appreciate all of your rules limiting me to what I can and can not do.  You make writing music for me much simpler-to where I can understand it.  Though it was a rough year I indeed made it through victorious.  I would love to come back to you and get to stay in the same key each movement and I loved how when you stated a key- you actually stayed true to your word.  Your cousin-Theory 3 is  a liar from birth.  So I appreciate all you did for me.

Dear Theory 3,
You are evil.  I can now understand total depravity at its deepest because of you.  Before music was ever created-Bach and Beethoven decided to screw up all of us music students by making us all attempt to decipher why they decided to change keys 575787473 times in a piece.  You take each rule theory 1 and 2 taught us and break them.  You deserve a summons form.  You don't stay true to your key signature-and in fact-you often do a direct modulation and change the sound all together.  Though that one is easiest to hear- I will never understand why you do it.  I despise relative modulations because they sound so close together and yet I still have to be able to hear the difference within a movement between D and A.  They are only 1 sharp away- why can't you just stay with 2 sharps OR just take the plunge and start with 3.  I surely hope to pass your class because you are wrecking every aspect of music I currently have.  However I can hardly await the day when I understand the concept of modulations; I question if it will ever arrive, but my friends who graduated from you tell me it's possible; we'll see about that.
NOT love,

Sunday, September 9, 2012

I am not waiting for him-He has already come.

Well it's been about a week since my last blog-and I remembered to blog :)

We have been in school a few weeks and I finally had my first trumpet lesson; my double major life has started and it's goodbye (no lie) to any type of social life outside of Aven and RA life.  I had to drop KT for a semester because I scheduled my practicing-30 hours MINIMUM a week-this is a full time job.  So worldly- I have a full time job as a music major alone, practicing, and then my RA job=3.  Fleshly I would not have made it this far because of how overwhelmed I get.  However THANKS BE TO GOD-that I am not in this alone.  I am a conqueror with Christ, and as long as He deems it (which I am 2339857% sure this is what He wants) I will be a double music major.  I did have to drop Collage Algebra because I physically had no time for it.  So I will be taking it in the summer, along with every other core class I have left.
Dropping KT for a semester was one of THE best decision I made.  Despite the tears shed on this decision; I know my sisters are always here for me.  They are oh so wonderful and still want me to come to what I can (basically anything in the day time)-and I plan to.  KT was such a pivotal point and where I met some of my life-long friends that I just want to watch it happen over and over again with the classes under me.  I can't wait to be active in the spring again, but at this season of life I know inactive is crucial; so thank you Lord for letting it be a simple process!

Ok I napped and then had 'becmeg' time with my blogger friend/sister/twin/music major bud/bestie-Becca.  We do Sabbath together and it's great to just sit and catch up on life over a cup of CUPS coffe-our weekly sabbath treat with a cookie and biscotti :) I love just genuine fellowship-I miss that most from C!C and having intentional time with Becca and other best friends fills that gap of craving.

I just read this blogpost and it totally wrecked the way I have been viewing purity.  I have been saving myself for my husband.  However that is not why I should save my self.  I am not 'waiting' on someone-He has come-Jesus Christ.  And if someone else should join me on the journey to better serve Him then cool-but if not I am HERE for Christ.  Now I just have to make the head-to-heart motion of that concept.  Read the blog-it's worth 5 minutes.