Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Dear Theory 3,

Dear Theory 3,
First I'd like to address your DISTANT cousin classes-Theory 1 and 2.

Dear Theory 1 and 2,
I would like to take a moment to thank you for everything you have taught me pertaining to music.  I can now understand why music is written the way it is.  I appreciate all of your rules limiting me to what I can and can not do.  You make writing music for me much simpler-to where I can understand it.  Though it was a rough year I indeed made it through victorious.  I would love to come back to you and get to stay in the same key each movement and I loved how when you stated a key- you actually stayed true to your word.  Your cousin-Theory 3 is  a liar from birth.  So I appreciate all you did for me.

Dear Theory 3,
You are evil.  I can now understand total depravity at its deepest because of you.  Before music was ever created-Bach and Beethoven decided to screw up all of us music students by making us all attempt to decipher why they decided to change keys 575787473 times in a piece.  You take each rule theory 1 and 2 taught us and break them.  You deserve a summons form.  You don't stay true to your key signature-and in fact-you often do a direct modulation and change the sound all together.  Though that one is easiest to hear- I will never understand why you do it.  I despise relative modulations because they sound so close together and yet I still have to be able to hear the difference within a movement between D and A.  They are only 1 sharp away- why can't you just stay with 2 sharps OR just take the plunge and start with 3.  I surely hope to pass your class because you are wrecking every aspect of music I currently have.  However I can hardly await the day when I understand the concept of modulations; I question if it will ever arrive, but my friends who graduated from you tell me it's possible; we'll see about that.
NOT love,


  1. oh dear. bless your heart!! I'm praying for you today. Don't worry, God will help you through this-- not just somehow but victoriously!!!! love ya!!

  2. Oh, my. You were right. That is some funny stuff! You really are my daughter!

  3. Laughing in SO MUCH AGREEMENT.
    Especially the liar from birth part.
