Tuesday, May 29, 2012

5 FULL days

In less  than a week-yes world. 5 FULL awesome days from now I will finally have my long (125 day) dream of going to the foreign world of Canada-the north-somewhere I have not ventured. Before that I have so many wonderful things that I can't quite get that excited-though I am excited.  However my best friend, MC is coming to see me, and I just got back from yet another trip to Clinton, I get to sing in church Wednesday night-I have the coolest summer EVER .Ok enough about what WILL happen-lets talk on what HAS happened.  I spent about a week in Clinton just having my dream come true. School with no school-it might of been the best part of summer so far!
I saw my aunt and my cousin for a few days-I have some pretty awesome family.
Then 4 beautiful sisters in Christ came to my house for the next week and we boated, tubed, beaching, ok pretty much saw ALL of creation of the good Lord-OHMYGOSH.  I just love doing fun outside adventures to see all the cool stuff God created because He can.
Then Becca stayed a few extra days and we watched SO many movies it's rediculous.
Oh yea I went fishing at 5am and despite the HORRID earliness, it was breath-taking to be able to see the sunrise on the ocean. Like-whoa. If God could scream-He screams every morning.
I can hardly believe I am saying this but for some reason this week I haven't felt as if I needed God. I am about to go dang serve Him for two months where I will be relying on Him and I am sitting here pondering if I need Him.  Oh Lord, please help me to be Your hands and feet. I desire for my heart to be all Yours and only that.
Dear world, if you actually read this-I feel like this blog is more for my benefit-but I ask you to pray for my summer away.  I am going to need the Lord so much it's rediculous-I keep forgetting I won't be in America for 2 months-that's a bit of a chunk of life, and I don't know about your life, but my life is pretty dang messy and prayer is THE thing that makes each day go by with blessings.
I figured I'd blog when I got to Canada, and probably the night before-so that has been May.
Not too much. Lots of traveling to see lots of people.
Oh yea-Kay is finally moving out.  The house has boxes everywhere-it is pretty wierd.  3+ years later something is FINALLY going to happen-I am not complaining. At all.
Sorry my life is something not extroidanary or something-but hey.  I will have cool stuff to post soon!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

God is most glorified in us, when we are most satisfied in Him.

In 3 weeks I will almost be on a plane to go to Canada for two months of my life.I can not believe it. First I have to be prepared for it all-which is what my short blog is about.
I am reading two books right now I am required to read before I go.  One is 'The Supremacy of God in Missions-Let the Nations be Glad' by John Piper and 'Godspace' by Doug Pollock.  Both books are SO drastically different but compliment each other.  Godspcae is my 'mind rest' after John Piper because he is SO profound.  It has taken me about a week to read one chapter-reading some every day (65 pages)-there are 7 chapters!  However he makes such great points that my mind is blown.  That missions exists because worship doesnt.  Missions isn't enternal-worhsip is.  When we are in heaven missions won't be remembered but worship will.  Then to go into that we do missions for HIS name and His name alone.  We will give up our lives not for our own gain-but for CHRIST's name sake.  So with Piper my mind is always gaining theology.
With Godspace it is a practical book about evangelism.  And I have read my share of Christian books and I don't remember much from any of them but they were 'good'.  This book I firmly believe that every Christian living in this world needs to read this book.  It is giving PRACTICAL 21st century ideas of how to BE Christ, LISTEN like Christ, LIVE Christ, ACT Christ, notice I didn't say speak Christ.  That is the point.  We as Christians are the opposite of 'slow to speak'.  We act fast to say what we think and don't give the time of day to listen to the other person.
So with that-this book is GREAT for me and I think for you to read.
Now I am in Clinton because I decided this is where I live-not Gulfport, and I will miss Clinton more than Gulfport when I go to Canada-so alas I am here with my dorm mommy/friend/sister in Christ/boss (oh yea) who I know loves me a whole lot for letting me crash here this week! :)

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Temporarily Here

The title of this post describes my lifre and everyone else at MC in general.  I am temporarily in Gulfport, then a few months temporarily in Canada, then semi-permanent at MC until told to go to another building anyways.Either way I have not been permanently somewhere for quite some time-since the 11th grade to be exact.
I probably will be blogging my thoughts a lot becasue I have nothing better to do with my time in May.
I am in Gulfport now-and it is completely wierd-not in a bad way.  It's not home anymore which I never thought I'd say.  Clinton, MS is where I live-and anywhere I only stay a few weeks and visit a few times a semester is not home anymore.  Sorry college kids who still want to claim their home as home-but it just is not anymore.
I an in the 20's now until I leave to Canada and everyday it becomes more real and I go thorugh a big phase in a little time of this:
-sheer terror
-feeling bad for feeling that becauase I know it's a sin
-praying for God to forgive me for being scared
-praying for a spirit of readiness and power in Him
-knowing that I am supposed to be going because it is in His will
-PEACE follows
Now repeat this daily-sometimes mulitple times a day.  Espcially when people ask me about it. Like today at church- I genuinely could not be more excited to serve the Lord in such an area that needs the gospel that most people don't think about-including myself until now.  But gosh talking about it makes me on edge becasue I really have not a clue what to expect but it is the craziest thing I have probably ever done in my lfie-and I have done some crazy things.  Been to Austrailia, East Asia, the Caribbean, and you would expect Canada to be the least crazy thing.  But seeing the situation I fully believe that it is the craziest out of them all.  I mean-I am getting on a plane to go to a church to a country to some people I have NEVER REALLY MET TO LIVE THERE FOR 2 MONTHS.  Dear parents,
THE LORD IS OVER THIS ONE.  It will be ok. :)
The end. Short, random, to the point-hey it's me!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Only ONE thing remains

As I sit here looking at my dorm room looking like throw-up, my feet THROBBING from walking to almost every room on my hall checking out girls, my throat so sore it's not even funny from talking to all of these girls, and lastly my heart in such turmoil because my kids have left and I am finished with my first whole year as a music major.
Oh. My. Gosh.
One year ago today I was leaving MC going home to Gulfport to go to kamp and to prepare to be an RA for 26 precious girls.
Now I am at MC watching all 25 leave and I am preparing to go to Canada-somewhere I thought I'd never go. 
I just survived my first year being a music major-I can hardly believe this statement.  I feel like all of us that survived theory and ear training and diction and juries and hours in practice rooms and piano class (for some of us) and finally FINALS-we ALL deserve a certificate of 'survival'--HA!
I can't believe I could sit here and tell you what a second dominant and secondary leading-tone is sufficiently and spell a half dimished vii 42 chord in the key of d minor.  Looking at it still reminds me of gibberish then at second glance I realize hey-that is my life.
Despite ALL of the hard work and hours poured into it, I have never felt more at peace about any decision, including coming to school here.  I could literally sit here and type pages about how greatful I am for it and what not but that is too cheesy.
I just got my grades back and I got all A's and B's again.  For all of my friends it is not a big deal but my high school friends would not believe me-like my father.  I will boast in my grades because it is not of myself but of the Lord-quite literally.  I have always struggled with meeting my 'friend' quota of making good grades and was never up there.  It is simply amazing to be able to sufficiently say I worked hard and now have the benefits to show it.  It has been one year-ONE YEAR since I have had a C on a final grade.  If that isn't God saying you are following me then I don't know what is.  I have defieated french or german diction. :)
Now it is almost time to leave MC, and go back home-to my previous life.  I don't want to change anything of what I have learned, how I have grown, or take back anything I have laid down at the foot of the cross.  My prayer is to continue on like I am at school but at home-which will be one of the most difficult things for me-but I know God has equipped me for the challenge.
I am seriously going to have withdrawls from this RA staff being with me, walking with me, walking with them, and doing life, and my kiddos.  I know this job was to impact them, but I know I learned so much more than I taught.  I can hardly wait to see what I will learn next year!