Sunday, May 6, 2012

Temporarily Here

The title of this post describes my lifre and everyone else at MC in general.  I am temporarily in Gulfport, then a few months temporarily in Canada, then semi-permanent at MC until told to go to another building anyways.Either way I have not been permanently somewhere for quite some time-since the 11th grade to be exact.
I probably will be blogging my thoughts a lot becasue I have nothing better to do with my time in May.
I am in Gulfport now-and it is completely wierd-not in a bad way.  It's not home anymore which I never thought I'd say.  Clinton, MS is where I live-and anywhere I only stay a few weeks and visit a few times a semester is not home anymore.  Sorry college kids who still want to claim their home as home-but it just is not anymore.
I an in the 20's now until I leave to Canada and everyday it becomes more real and I go thorugh a big phase in a little time of this:
-sheer terror
-feeling bad for feeling that becauase I know it's a sin
-praying for God to forgive me for being scared
-praying for a spirit of readiness and power in Him
-knowing that I am supposed to be going because it is in His will
-PEACE follows
Now repeat this daily-sometimes mulitple times a day.  Espcially when people ask me about it. Like today at church- I genuinely could not be more excited to serve the Lord in such an area that needs the gospel that most people don't think about-including myself until now.  But gosh talking about it makes me on edge becasue I really have not a clue what to expect but it is the craziest thing I have probably ever done in my lfie-and I have done some crazy things.  Been to Austrailia, East Asia, the Caribbean, and you would expect Canada to be the least crazy thing.  But seeing the situation I fully believe that it is the craziest out of them all.  I mean-I am getting on a plane to go to a church to a country to some people I have NEVER REALLY MET TO LIVE THERE FOR 2 MONTHS.  Dear parents,
THE LORD IS OVER THIS ONE.  It will be ok. :)
The end. Short, random, to the point-hey it's me!

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