Monday, April 22, 2024

FUU 2024

Officially: 43.4 miles. 14 5k loops.
Unofficially: about 45 miles.
Time: 11:50:19.9

WARNING: Very vulnerable post of all the physical, emotional, and mental challenges and experiences of the race.

Laps 1 and 2 were full of adrenaline. I was talking to everyone, running faster than planned, and unaware of all that laid ahead. I was happy and in the moment.

Laps 3 and 4 I found my groove, ran my race, still chatted with people, and found what worked for me nutrition wise. I was voice memoing a few friends, sending pictures, and singing songs in my head. I felt happy to be with my people, doing what we all love.

Lap 5 was my first emotional lap. I really wanted to see all the stats on my watch, however, because my watch was seriously 15 years old, the satellite stopped working at exactly 12.94 miles. I started to cry uncontrollably. I voice memoed a few friends, but specifically Risa, because she had finished her allotted time (because she is going to rock IMTX this weekend!!). So, I knew she was hanging at 'base'. Risa called Brittany, who was running, and said that I was having a moment, and to be ready when she saw me on the course. I saw Brittany, fell into her arms so upset, and just cried. In the middle of the road. After running like 15 miles, with many miles ahead of us. It was drizzling, so we were wet from rain and sweat. She was nothing but encouraging to me, and helped me see the bigger picture. So, off I went, and continued to cry, but because I was contemplating other bigger things. I made it back to 'base', got my act together thanks to so many people understanding where I was at, and trotted off to run my race.


Laps 6-9 I don't have much to say. Ran a lap. Ate. Repeat. I listened to Taylor Swift. After lap 8 specifically, my quads started to talk to me, and it wasn't very nice. Ya see, Hattiesburg is the flattest city I've ever lived in since starting to run. Fondren is not exactly flat. I did some treadmill incline/stair master work at the gym once a week, however it wasn't enough. So, the remainder of the time my quads kept telling me that I need to consider them more in future races. But, I was still so thrilled to be running well overall.

Lap 10 it POURED. So, I took off my shirt, left my phone, and set off in the monsoon. It was fun to see the other runners who made the same choice as myself. We encouraged each other and laughed at our craziness. I felt pretty bad a$$ that I kept going, despite the weather.

Lap 11 is when Lauren arrived to join me for the last 4 laps. She was with lots of energy, ready to help me embark on my goals. My brain was mush by this point, so I said 'huh?' a million times. 😂 I was so happy that she devoted her afternoon to helping me finish my goals. She kept telling me this is friendship.


Lap 12 is when Tara arrived to support me. It made my heart so happy to see her, because she came all the way from Memphis to sit at a tent and watch me run in circles. Thankfully, my running friends chatted with her, so she got to experience the community that I am so grateful for. I was so happy to have made it this far, and knew I was in it to win it.

Lap 13 is when I hit 40 miles. I cried happy tears from the overwhelming feelings of though I am in a body bigger than I've ever been in before, I ran the second farthest distance I've ever run in my whole life. (50 miles is my PB. But when I ran the 50, I was in a significantly smaller body, entangled in my eating disorder.) Lauren reminded me about how this race is the culmination of the last few years of my journey. How I had to come back to the USA from Peru for eating disorder treatment in 2022, with a stop in a psych hospital to be involuntarily committed. I was unsure of if I would make it back to live in Peru again, unsure of if I'd get to the place in recovery where I could do endurance sports again, and unsure if I would get the life back that I desperately desired. I cried grateful tears over how many people showed up for me Saturday- physically and emotionally. All my friends at FUU were nothing but encouraging to me on the course, telling me how great I was doing, how courageous I was, how strong I was, and many other encouraging things. Everyone at 'base' was nothing but ready to help me meet my goals, and helped me get nutrition down my throat; including, but not limited to: pizza, pancakes, donut holes, various fruits, pickle juice, coke, brownie pieces, and other random snackies. And of course my friends who were messaging me, letting me ramble and rant about all the things happening- all day. This lap was the one that helped me see that I truly couldn't have made it this far without my tribe.


Lap 14 is when I struggled emotionally (and physically) to finish. Kilometer 1 I was so physically tired, I closed my eyes while walking. Lauren had to be like MEG YOU CAN'T WALK/RUN WITH YOUR EYES CLOSED. Kilometer 2 is when I was looking for the kilometer 3 sign, so I could sit down, and call Tara to come get me- that I was done. I mean, I did 42 miles! However, Lauren didn't allow that to be an option. I hated her through and through. Kilometer 3 is when Lauren asked me a question that I will use for future endurance races, "Is it your mind or body that is making you not be able to run right now?" I was pissed at the moment because I just wanted to lay down. However, after a few minutes, I realized she was right. I trained for this race- hard. I put in the work. My mind was what was done. So, kilometer 4 I decided to finish, and started to 'run'. I use quotes because honey- you could've crawled next to me and still kept up. But it was still the mental difference of 'I am still running after 42 miles.' Kilometer 5 have the '2 stupid hills' as Lauren and I called it. I ran up the first one- and Lauren kept telling me how awesome I was for doing that. We approached the second one, and I lost my mind because I was so close. I rounded the last turn, texted Tara I was close, and attempted to clear up my sobbing red face (newsflash- it didn't work). Lauren left me to run the finish line by myself, cheered for me alongside everyone else there. I crossed the timing mat, and fell into the arms of Lauren and Tara crying over how crazy the experience was. My friend, David J, got his goal mileage, and he hugged me while I cried over finishing. I hugged everyone there, trying (and failing) to not cry over the emotion of it all. Honestly, it was such a cathartic experience. I wouldn't change a thing over my reaction to finishing. 

After crossing the finish line, crying my eyes out from the emotion of it, hugging everyone, and realizing just how badly my quads hurt, I sat down, and started shaking uncontrollably because I still didn't have a shirt on because my sports bra, shorts, and socks were soaking wet. Thankfully, Tara went and got the car. I ended up sitting in the blasting heat for 30 minutes warming up. (Sorry Tara for putting you in a literal sauna.) We got Raising Cane's for dinner. It was delicious! I slept about 4-5 hours because any time I moved, pain radiated through my thighs, so I woke up.

I want to share what I *think* is everything that I consumed.

6am: 3 cinnamon rolls
5 min before: piece of crumbl cookie
During: Like 3 cuties, 1/2 apple w caramel, 2 pieces of cheese pizza, piece of watermelon, 2 pancakes (1 w syrup), 2 donut holes, 3 brownie pieces, 2 pieces of crumbl cookie, 10 "shots" of pickle juice followed by a chaser of 2 shots of coke- per pickle juice shot, 80% bottle of root beer, 3 gels, 1/2 pack gu gummies, 1/2 pb and j, and the star of the show, 12 running bottles of tailwind (12 oz). (For you normal people- Tailwind is kinda like Gatorade, but a better formula for endurance sports. It provides all the electrolytes and carbs needed.)
After: At the finish line, a bottle of body armor flash IV, then a few hours later when I was feeling it, Raising Cane's.

Overall, I genuinely enjoyed 85% of the day, so I count that as a major win. (I enjoyed 12/14 loops- which equates to 85%. LOL) I have big goals for the fall season, and can't wait to start training for them. I learned a lot during FUU that I will implement in future endurance races.

For now? I will spend the next few weeks letting my body heal and recover, before jumping into triathlon training. I will have a few Saturdays where I don't spend the whole day training- what ever am I supposed to do?! Hit a girl up for some plans plz. 

If you made it this far, congrats- you are a trooper.


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