Thursday, October 27, 2011

God is incredible

I have not blogged in simply 8 days but it has been a really really long but wonderful 8 days. It feels like I have not blogged in weeks-so I get on and I see October 19, and it is only the 27th- I was in a little bit of shock.
But anyways the last 2 days Mississippi College Singers has been on tour which means music majors that are not in Singers get a break! SO Tuesday I simply hung out with a bunch of people! Wednesday. I don't really feel like going into this so long story short I spend 5 hours in the ER to get told to go have an ultrasound at 7:30 in the morning because another long story short something is causing me pain where I had my gallbladder and we don't know what.
Music major life is going phenomenally amazing! I am in love with my classes. I understand how to read inversions, base position symbols, and am starting to write with I's!
The Lord is absolutely going crazy in my life. I am going to East Asia this Christmas and so I am starting to prepare for that and it is getting crazy! I can not believe I will not be home at all for Christmas. Like-ZERO. It finally hit me last weekend because I had a meltdown. However it was needed because now I am more open with the fact of me freaking out but that the Lord has this in His hand. He always does. I am nervous I will get homesick so I am already praying for that. But I know the Lord wants me to go-so He will make me feel however I need to. So I will have my mind there and not home.
Ok I gotta go-I am going to HobLob :)

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Peace that surpasses understanding

So I have not blogged in forever because my life has been flipped a thousand times for the better.
I am a music major. DONE. I think I tweet a thousand times a day about how much I love it and how I know it is where I am supposed to be. Well. I do because last year I had such an unpeace about my major(s) and what I was going to do with them. I was between a thousand things and God used the funniest situation EVER. She does not even know it was her. Anyways her name is Emily. I now do worship kind-of at FBCJ and Em did it there and asked if I would take her place. So we go to play guitar and sing and I reply I don't sing and she says let me see. So we sing and Em was like oh no you are not bad you should go for it. So I lead worship and it was SO fun-I realized that I was still madly in love with music. So long story short I go to this random lady who is now my vocal teacher and ask her if I can be a music major and she says yes. So here I am-all because of the right circumstances in my life. I love it even when I have NO idea what I am doing. :)
Also I got a coffee pot from my friend named Jen (RA staff) and so every morning I wake up an hour and 15 minutes before class-make coffee while I shower and then drink my coffee and I spend time with the Lord. It is magical. :)
I am reading Exodus. God is powerful and mighty to do anything. Amen.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

God is Healer

So a profound moment happened in church yesterday. Let me back track a little bit.
As you know this summer my life turned upside down at kamp; I came home for gallbladder surgery. That was 2 1/2 months ago. About 3 weeks ago about 90% of what I ate went STRAIGHT through me-yes diarrhea. Hey it's my blog. Anyways it gets old to live off of sandwiches, rice cakes, and applesauce. So I went to the doctor this week and long story short they don't know whats wrong so are going to run some tests. Which kind-of freaks me out a bit because I still am stuck here and am living off of 'turkey and white American cheese wrap please'. My dad thinks it is not what I eat, but something about enzymes that I do not have.
With that it sucks because I have to randomly DASH to my room-I have had to skip English class once too, and I don't eat out much-heck I don't eat much at all period.
So I am going to the doctor up in Clinton while my family is in Gulfport-scary. I am glad I have awesome friends who go with the to the doctor. Emily came and as awkward as it could have been she just made the laugh the WHOLE time.
So back to the Lord. I have thought of the word 'healer' for the Lord in my life is like brokenness-that HE can HEAL my brokenness. However I can now look at it in a physical way. I have NOT a clue what is going on inside of me-but the Lord does. He can heal whatever the heck is up-only if He chooses. And He may not. We sure know the Lord did not choose to heal my gallbladder thus making me go home for surgery-which was all in His plan. So He does things like that for good-trust me. So yea. God as healer-spiritually, emotionally AND physically.
Class is going great! I fall in love with my major more and more everyday. No lie. This is my 3rd thing I have ever fallen in love with. 1-Jesus. 2-KT. Then my major. The Lord provides peace for me everyday- I don't second guess 'what if this isn't for me' because I enjoy it so much-passion is great. I love my music major friends-we talk in code I determined HA!

Friday, September 9, 2011

getting old

So funny story. 2 days ago I go to sleep and feel GREAT. I wake up and my throat feels like it is going to fall off. I made an A on my first ear training test, had singing lessons too! Go to the healthplex and they said it's pharyngitis. BIG word for sore throat. Every time I swallow it is like knives man! So that sucks enough since it's my major and all.
As you know I had surgery this summer on my gallbladder. And the past two weeks NOTHING has stayed in my stomach and has gone straight through me. So when I take Imodium it works obviously. But that is not how to live-it will screw you up major. So I call my surgeon and he refers me to a gastro something something something..anyways big word for stomach doctor because obviously something is not right. And so I call my dad and we talk blah blah blah and so I have an appt. the 20th and I know I should not be scared however it is just a bit scary having to go to some big specialist building where I know no one and Lord knows what the heck tests they have to do and thus-I'm nervous because it just means I'm growing up. I am expected to do these things on my own, and it sucks. I would rather be 5 and lay in bed with pop-sickles. Instead I have to carry on with life-I'm being dramatic, but I think I'm allowed to be right now!
As I freak out this song comes on about God being faithful and man it is SO nice to KNOW and REST in the fact that God hold my life and your life in His hand. COMFORT.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


So I had an epiphany moment tonight. Ok...more like a God slapping me in the face moment.
Lets back up to last night.
I had my one-on-one with my RD and she has no idea who I am except like you know I am insanely hyper blah blah blah. So I tell just a little slice of my life. And I tend to complain more. And she brings up being thankful for what is already given to me. Example: I have parents (more than most kids...4) who love me very much and I know would do anything for me. I have a dad who can pay my way through school with no debt-most kids can't do that. I have the world's best friends. I have the BEST job and the best staff EVER- no really. I could go on of how many wonderful things I have.
However I just keep asking God to do this and to save this person and to help me do this and blah blah blah. All good things, but I am never satisfied where I am.
So tonight at church- there was this song. "never once did you let me walk alone....God you are faithful." And I have said "God you are faithful" like a zillion times. But for some reason tonight it clicked. That NEVER did He EVER LEAVE ME. This is MASSIVE to radically change your view of life.
I just can not get that out of my head. Now I sit here- 130am and I still need to practice a bit more but God is just moving so much today that I needed to process it.
This is the song. Please go watch it and be moved of how freaking AMAZING God is.
So my struggle that JUST became light to me is that I am never satisfied with what God is doing in my life. And- I just need to REST in what God is doing. IT IS ALWAYS RIGHT.

Friday, September 2, 2011


I needed to blog again because there is a big part that I really underestimated. I miss my friends extremely. I feel like I don't have my friends from last year. And it is all my fault. They make plans with out me because I am always practicing. One of my friends whom I love dearly- I heard her making plans with another friend- and I said hello I didn't hear about that! And she said well you have gotten cooler and better friends. Well. The thing is-I don't hang out with anyone. I spend all my time in my room practicing or doing homework. The past week I have not had friends and yet I had a great week. I really want my friends back. But I don't know how to go about doing this because I am overwhelmed at my major. I suck at managing time. I want so badly to hang out with my old friends. To hang out with my BEST FRIEND- Michelle. Whom I have not had a freaking date with because we NEVER collide at the same time. I hate this. I am being high emotional about this obviously but I mean hey- friends are a big deal man. That's all. I miss my friends a lot. I wish I could change things.

Life as I know it

So I have not blogged since school has started. And let me be the first to tell you MUSIC MAJOR IS INCREDIBLY BUSY. I mean every major is busy. But literally. It is up there with pre-med people. I have not hung out with my non-music major friends because I have no time. I need to change that. I spend a LOT of time in my room being anti-social because I have to always practice. This weekend is labor day and I am so excited because it means no more homework can be assigned. PRAISE THE LAMB. I love my classes. It is the best feeling knowing I am exactly where the Lord wants me. I do believe He let me get there at my own time. No way I could have handled this last year. I needed to be unsure. Or 'sure' in my eyes, but really I knew it wasn't what the Lord had planned. I am glad to finally be here of-what my major is. Now the next step is-what I am going to do with it. No clue to be honest. I can pretend I know..REALITY CHECK- not a clue. And I am ok with that because God has proved to me MANY times that He always comes through. HE WILL GIVE AN ANSWER.
Like China-I am going to China in Christmas. I had a spout of uncertainty and I needed that to reassure myself of why I am going. I am going to China to share the gospel with people who have maybe never heard the name Jesus. I can stay home and tell my family all I want-they have heard it and hopefully see it from me. However-these Chinese people need hope from a Savior who provides it. I want to share that awesome hope I have. And also-when I get back I get to share the cool things God did with us to my family. It's a win-win situation. So China-prepare to meet MegAnderson :)
Let's go back to music-it's kind of my life right now and I enjoy it. It is VERY hard-I mean I get so aggravated to tears many of the times, but the feeling of understanding it is like none other. I love that feeling-might be an addiction-but I feel it's a pretty good one to have! I am still getting the hang of being a vocal major and not an instrumental major. I was not sure if I was going to like it, but I LOVE IT. We all relate to each other and can talk nerd and everyone understand it-I just love that part. And Aven Hall is the best. The lobby is like an exclusive club for music major/minors to hang out/chat/homework before class starts. I just love the music majors.
The other part of my life is RUSH with KT. It is fun and hard and great. We spend most nights from 9 to 12 together practicing for rush skits. I can not wait to get a little :)
The last part but just as important is my job. Being an RA. I am in love with it. No really. It is the best thing ever. I get paid-to socialize and talk to freshman on my hall pretty much. I mean there are some hard sketchy things that go on-but hey- it makes it all the more fun :)
Oh yea- Jesus is in there too. He is the most important part of life. I thought I was going to have a hard time spending time with Him-and I was right. I practice ALL the time- and the amount of time I give Jesus is nothing compared to what I should. However I am getting to put to practice what I learned at kamp-how to TOTALLY and completely depend on Him for everything in life. I am still trying to learn to balance my time-but that will come.
One sad part of life-I do not hang out with my friends from last year. It really burdens me because for some reason I am ok with it. I mean not satisfied at all but I mean- I don't mind spending all my time in my room practicing, and I NEED to be social with the people who care most about me. I am struggling with balancing out school and friends. Not that there can be too much school- but if so- I have surpassed that level. I need to learn to CHILL and enjoy my free time.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

God is the same everywhere-really?

So it's been too long since I have blogged. Like-2 insane life-altering weeks.
I have been at school for like a week and some odd days. I have done RA training. Very amazing people I get to work with-who love the Lord with their whole life makes interacting drastically different and it makes me want to strive to know the Lord more seeing my fellow RA's having such a close relationship with Him.
Move-in day was yesterday and it was great! My adrenaline was running like crazy and it was like my dream of fun! I loved every second of it. That night we did 'midnight mission' and it was amazing. Last year hall programs were kind of a 'downer' and not many people came. Dude- the whole 5th floor deck roof was filled with freshman. Only Jesus could have ever done that one. Props to Him. A few RA's talked and so did our RD Melony. Now I had conversed with Melony over the summer while I was at kamp-as we know I was struggling along. She e-mailed me and I wrote her and she probably thought I was a bit (a lot) loony and over the top but hey-it's me. Anyways, she said something that I know but it was a light bulb moment for me.

Can you even believe that? The God that got me through the hardest summer of my life-that I was TOTALLY dependent on-is the same God that I don't even think twice about during my usual day.
That slapped me in the face in such a positive way.
I am learning to let go and let God. It sucks a lot no lie-but hey, it's part of doing life with the Lord.

I start classes on Wednesday-it has not hit me. I can not believe I am a music major. I'm freaking out for the best way possible. If I'm good at it-it's God's sign for me to stay. If I hate it-I am not sure what I will do. God has my life in His hand so no I like to think :)

I love my staff. The 7 RA's and RD: Emily, Ann, Jen, Mary Catherine, Anna, Kayton, Hanna, Melony, and I make it up. And God placed them each there and we would not be complete without the other. Everyone has something amazing to contribute. And I feel so at peace with them and view them as my wonderful family in Christ-hey we are :) Melony is only 21 (22 in a week) and I swear she is so much more mature than us all. So yea I love New Women's East staff!!! :)

Monday, August 8, 2011

Life is so dramatic at times

So I go back to Clinton for good in 4 days..yes THAT IS IT. I feel like that lame freshman that is entirely nervous to make friends again. Why? Well first I am an RA and I am extremely nervous my girls won't like me. And second, I am a music major and it's a cult basically and I hope everyone likes me.

I still can not get kamp off my mind. I am having THE hardest time giving this one to God. No I will happily give my family's salvation over to Him, give Him my major, where I went to school..blah blah blah..but kamp is a completely different level for me. I have a wonderful friend who pointed out that I was being super self-centered in my talking of kamp. 'I' want to go back next year to get pictures, 'I' want to go back to get a boy, 'I' want to go back to finish what I started..etc. But never ONCE did I say 'I' want to go SERVE the Lord..the whole POINT of kamp.
So today on my car ride home it hit me that I may not go back to kamp if I don't have the right I'm just crying my eyes out yes, while driving, because I may not get what I want-but if it is what God wants I will accept it. Cuz I mean He is God and all.

I also now know someone kinda personally that is spending eternity in Hell. And that has dramatically changed my view on everything. I always think I wonder if I could have done something, or said something. But...I know that God has a plan, and maybe now someone can come to Christ because of him..but it doesn't make it easier.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


So my life is one of those lives I tend to not share my super inner thoughts, but I feel like I can say whatever I want on this here blog because hey- it's mine.
So, I did a LONG paper on facebook and how it defines America..yada yada.
One portion of it was how facebook used to delete people who died, but after the Virginia Tech. incident they decided to use it as a sort of memorial. I have never seen it happen, before a few days ago. My dad's co-worker, and my sisters good friend-shot himself a few days ago. And now everyone is like mourning on his facebook....FACEBOOK. just sayin'. I mean great for them- and for lots of other people who do that. However, the second I meet Jesus I want my facebook turned off and I'm sorry I don't really care about the earth when I am in heaven..hello I'll be with JESUS.
And, my sister is divorcing her husband right now, and it sucks obviously. Divorce seems to be running in the family these days. Gosh I am ready to be married though. Most kids in my situation would be scared of being married, but I'm the complete opposite. Weird.
I am ready to go back to school.
I am ready to go back to school.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

So..grace rocks.

So, my internet doesn't work that much-so when it does I plan to blog.
I went to Orange Beach- IT ROCKED.
I got another tattoo. It says 'risk the ocean' in dark blue letters on my right flip flop line. Now most of the population thinks it is kind-of silly, and quite frankly I could care LESS what you think. It is between me and God :D But- I love the ocean. I feel it is a form of worship for me. I am always in awe at how the sand holds the water up and how it could CRASH at me any moment- but doesn't.
And risk the ocean-there's only grace. Meaning- no matter what you can JUMP...PLUNGE into the ocean of God and know that no matter what He has a plan for you. And I struggle with knowing that He has my life in His hand, so that visual reminder will be wonderful. So yea.
David Crowder thanks for the inspiration.

I go to school soon. I'm ready to be an RA. To show I am caring, and loving, and all the things I usually am not. I feel like I am about to dramatically change for the good of my life and the Lord, alright- BRING IT.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

This is not a post about me.

This is not going to be a post about my aimless life and what I did. No.
This is a post about what in the WORLD just happened this summer for me.
This is a post about how the Savior set me free in Him to trust in His providential ways.
This is not a post saying that I made it through the summer.
This is a post saying that without the Lord I am nothing.

I can not get Kamp Kanakuk off of my mind. I think the Lord wants me to remember how miserable I really was; to not just remember the fun stuff. No. I was in my weakest moments at kamp, and the Lord ONLY Him brought me up. Without Him I would not have made it through the summer- I can genuinely say that. And I find contentment of who I am and who God made me to be. Yes-I AM WEIRD. I am ok with that. I learned that at kamp- I don't need to try to be someone else. "I am free to be me." And I love being weird musical meg.
I think the Lord wants me to go back to Kanakuk family kamp next summer for July. And I am Oh So ready for it too. I know that I am not finished at Kanakuk family kamp. The Lord had me all to Himself this summer, and next summer I am ready to impact other people!
Exodus 14:14-kamp verse
The Stand, If I Die Young, Ben Rector, Relient K, Psalm 145- kamp songs/artist
My life is forever changed thanks to Kamp Kanakuk Family Kamp- where I didn't want to go at all, but good thing the Lord knew otherwise.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

band camp

I had SO much fun at band camp :) I got to lead warm-ups mostly for trumpets and got to do 2nd part sectionals a little bit. I think it's bad that I thoroughly enjoy yelling at kids when they aren't marching/playing right. And let me tell you, I got my yelling out of me for a while. Some of these kids are just...not doing it. Moving at attention, not on step-simple things can not even be perfected. It annoys me. But the show looks great! I am incredibly proud of the GHS Admiral band and I am glad to say I am an alumni. It makes me want to major in my instrument-we will see where that goes. Either way I am SO excited to major in music-it is my inspiration for when it gets hard but I genuinely could see me teaching music the rest of my life-it's my passion. So yea. Band camp rocked. I am excited for next year already!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


It has been 5 whole days since I was 'under the knife' haha.
I went to dang Michaels-MICHAELS. And then went home and took a nap. Today I am doing THREE outings. WHOA. I will sleep GOOD tonight.
But-I have been sitting and LOT-watching a LOT of TV- me and food network and BFF's. NO. LIE.

Next week I am going to band camp with Gulfport.
my life is boring now. Thanks surgery. Next week I will have great stories about high schoolers.
oh lordie-pray for me!!!!!! eep!!

Friday, July 8, 2011


So, yesterday I had surgery. I had my gallbladder taken out. Went in the morning. Michelle came. She is THE bestest friend EVER. I got anesthesia, I said, "Dear God, Ok so it's me and You now...." and I was out. Like. WHOA. The next thing I know I am in recovery acting a FOOL. I kept saying "I feel weird"
Get home-I feel great! Dee came over-I took naps.
I peed TWELVE times in ELEVEN hours. SO. MANY. FLUIDS.
Today- Dee came over again! She is the BOMB. :) She got me starbucks. She is amazing. Now we are making friendship bracelets, watching spongebob movie, and now food network. Lindy and Victoria are coming over today too. I swear-I have the BEST friends ever. Oh-and at surgery our music minister who I am friends with him and his wife came by :) and my dad's fishing friend who goes to my church came by too! I love the people I associate myself with :)
I am REALLLLLY sore today- even a slight sit up in the couch hurts. But hey- the picture was SO GROSS. I had at least 8 gall-stones, and GROSS white stuff. I mean whoa. I am glad it isn't in my body anymore!
So...yea. What a summer. The LORD is good, and has me here for a reason- this is the most I have ever been home. I am going crazy, but I love all the visitors I get for bringing me yummy stuff and the company is great!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Best. Family. Ever.

SO, along with that other post- as much as I sometimes complain about how WEIRD and jank my family is- in the end they love me so so much- enough to bring me my car 11 hours away. But the Lord had other plans, for me to go back with them. They cleaned my car (it was a BIT messy), took off a few dry rotted stickers. Brought me lots of happies, and Kay told people to send me mail because it was the vain of my existence at kamp. SO the other thing i learned from kamp is to genuinely appreciate what I have for my family. I have a LOT- more than 99% of this world will have for SURE. And I thank the LORD everyday for them all :) all 5 step siblings, 2 (almost 3) in-laws, 2 nephews, 1 niece on the way, 4 parents, and the ZILLIONS of animals along the way :) that's just immediate. oh life.
So. Thanks dad and kay for everything in Branson. Dad even made me this CUTE awesome keychain that flashed pictures. If I stayed at kamp-I had it hanging above my bed. So I could look at it every night before bed. And this cute magnet kay sent- was on my bed too. I have the best family and would NEVER trade it for the whole world.

What in the world is going on?

SO. It's been a month and a half- it was supposed to be another 1/2 of a month.
I went to Kamp Kanakuk as a cook.
Despised every moment for the first few weeks. Yes. I was home sick. To the nth degree.
Then. I gave it all to God. Then fell in love with Family Kamp. Then.
All of a sudden-got some tests run-found out my gallbladder could rupture any day now and had to be dragged basically from kamp home. With in a few short hours.
I will NEVER understand why God drew me to kamp-that was ALL Him-hated it-fell in love- then took me away.
God? What is going on?
I grew at kamp a LOT with You. I learned how to pray without ceasing. I felt like praying for a whole day was a LOT to ask- so I prayed for each meal. And- the next- sleep-waking. I walked every moment with God. He had me ALL to Himself at kamp-that is why I was there- but why I am dragged away- I wish I could figure out. Because I yearn to be back with the girls at kamp doing what I actually enjoy-cooking.
SO I have surgery July 7th at 630 am will be home by 11am- so COME SEE ME :)
I hope it doesn't hurt that much after-doing research I see that it will. Oh well. I have a God that loves me and I know I am being showered with prayer all across the country- thanks Kamp :)

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Kamp Time

As I sit here and realize in 9 hours I will be on my way to kamp-an array of emotions start to fill me that is a deja vu feeling (already seen literally translated). Going to freshman year of school. Going to a place that is so exillerating but not knowing anyone. I always think that I can become someone else; maybe not so exciting because I have an overwhelming personality. Maybe I can become calm (fat change), and be like my wonderful friend Dee and be exciting when it is appropriate. But then the reality hit me that the LORD made me this way for such a reason. So I always apt to be me. Good thing right :) I am ready to go. My bags are sitting in the den, and all that is left to do is to sleep through the night; wake up; off to KatieBooth's house tomorrow!

She lives on a DAIRY FARM :D whoa. I am pumped!
Pray for me at kamp. Galatians 6:9. Good verse. Go find it yourself ;)

Saturday, May 14, 2011


So I temporarily forgot about this thingy here until I decided to log back on facebook. I didn't have facebook for about 3 months because it became an idol for me. Facebook does NOT need to come over the LORD. But now I am pretty sure I can do it now. Well I am learning to play piano. I can play a few songs with the melody in one hand and chords in the other. I can do In Christ Alone, How Deep the Father's Love For Us and Here I am to Worship. But I am trying to learn to play any song with chords. So far it is going well. I am ready for music class. I am also ready to go to kamp. If you didn't know. I am working in Branson, MO for 2 months. Cooking. I am very pumped to learn how to cook. But last night I didn't sleep at all. Literally. My stomach felt like a steak knife was going through it. And we still don't know why. If this happens at kamp I will probably have a spaz attack. No really. I slept form 730 t0 1130 and now I am realllly ready for some sleep :) I am riding to kamp with my RA, sister, and friend Katie and I am pretty excited. I made 2 B's and 2 C's which is not very good but I mean it has not been my favorite semester. So hopefully, ok for sure my grades will get better. This was really random and probably boring but oh well. It's me. :)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I'm adopted :)

So, secret church was Friday. And...before secret church God was ALL OVER our day.
Becca=in front
Sarah+ Meg = behind Becca
Random white truck= besides Becca
White truck tries to pull into the lane where Becca is= Becca runs 70 mph into the median.
Her car =fine=God.

we drive again. And I realize that I forgot the tickets. So we get Haley to scan the tickets to Becca's dad who meets us at Arby's to give them to us.
Satan just did NOT want us going right?

Finally, we are walking to the overflow room. Not even the main room. This random guy asks if just us 3 are going to the overflow room. We respond yes. He then says he has extra tickets to the MAIN ROOM!!!!!!!! :) We were 13th row for David Platt :) :) :) :)
Worship=closest thing to heaven. Surpasses passion. I know. Hard to beat. But the fact that there were SO many different age groups just made me want to fall on my knees! *gets chill bumps*.
Platt Speaks.
7 hours.
142 page study guide.
My favorite part was learning about Adoption, and how I am truly His and not my own. Like. I love my family. As C-R-A-Z-Y as it is, but the fact that I am a part of God's most perfect family is just so peaceing. ('s a word)
I really just don't know what else to yea.
Then I chilled with Jamie Beau and Dee Saturday :) It was SOOO fun. I just love them.
Sunday...I did homework and random stuff.
Monday I went home.
It was great!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now.....finals *Dies inside*
But...the Lord is constant and that is all that matters. Amen.

Monday, April 18, 2011

I never know what to put here

So...its been a week, and I quite frankly don't know what to write. A few days ago we had a tornado in Clinton, MS. It was pretty intense, not as intense as Katrina, but it was still the talk and still is. It actually did a lot of damage though :'( But it was cool because the tornado like jumped over this little elementary school. God is just so awesome. Who else could've done that right?
And at this time of my life I feel like God is really teaching me to learn to rely on His strength and that without Him I have ZERO. Sometimes God's lessons really suck in the moment, but He has His reasoning for everything, so I'm ready.
I don't really have a lot to say. My life is about to be crazy with finals. I go to Secret Church on Friday, so I am sure I will have a bit to blog on that about. So...until then.
Psalm 16. Read it.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Regulars?+ East Tower = Sophomore

So funny story! I just LOVE my room mate. She is the best. We go to the nature center to get the name of 10 plants, and we get them, and then walk to the elephant tree; oh the memories from elephant court :) It was fun going and not being a rushee. I took a picture in front of it flashing KT as I always do. So then we go to the guy and give him his notebook back, and he was like thanks and small chatting 'where you from/whats your major/are y'all room mates?' and so then he just simply says Saturday if you're not busy we are having a nature day with kids and would like some help! So now because of Shell's dumb project we are going to help out at the nature center, and even got Sarah A., and Wesley W. to come! Michelle and I think it would be fun to become regulars there :) Yep. Funny things college brings.

Then last night we had RA reveal night, and it was SO awesome how they did it :) It was like squeal day but for RA's. I loved it! I AM IN EAST!!! There are 8 of us wonderful girls, and I love them already! I can not wait to get to reach out to some freshman and get to know them :)
plus side- I get my own room :)

Monday, April 4, 2011

Risk the Ocean

So, I am sitting here...15 minutes before I go pray and workout with my friend Sarah. And, this phrase keeps coming into my head, so I think ok I will just blog myself out.
I put the video on, and briefly talked about this tattoo idea. But I think elaborating on it will make
a- me feel better
b- you understand how AWESOME I view it

"It's your love that we adore it's like a sea without a shore; we're lost in you"
I just want to be so lost in God that I don't need a shore to stand on because I am so trusting on that makes me think what is my 'shore' in life? The thing that I don't trust God 200% on and rely on myself or something else that is not God.

Personally I like to be able to control my life and not ask for help, but the realization of that God already owns my life and that I am living for HIM and not for I sometimes scares me a bit. I mean come on, it has to scare everyone sometimes. Not so much scares me, but puts me into perspective of how BIG everything is and how LITTLE I am..I am NOTHING compared to the earth much less our galaxy, much less the millions of galaxies that God formed and HOLDS in His hand. Now THAT is a God that I am ok with letting control me then.
Not sure if that made sense. Oh well.

Risk the Ocean; there's only grace.
So the bridge aligns with the chorus and I LOVE that. Because I mean literally speaking a sea without a shore would be pretty stupid to jump into. But throw it into an analogy like David Crowder did about grace. I mean it is still pretty scary I guess to jump into a relationship, but the only thing there is grace. We are drowning in God's grace and it's the best thing EVER!

SO..with all that. I could happily live with that tattooed on me, but I just got one, and I am not quite sure yet if God actually wants to me impulse act on it, or do like this one and think about it for a while..hmm..we'll see where that one goes :)
God is awesome. Amen.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

David Crowder Band - Sometimes

Resident Assistant :)

I am SOOO excited!!!!
So..big news about that.
and my room at Kay's house is finished! it looks SO SO good that I just cannot wait for my formal group to see :)

I went home Saturday and saw my room and it is awesome how much time my parents spent doing it. And i was thinking if my parents love me this much, then how much more does my heavenly dad love me! That must be a lot!
I am thinking about getting another tattoo after camp..oh..I got a tat just in case you didn't get that memo. It is a Jesus fish with a music note on it.
So, there is this song called 'Sometimes' from Passion2011, and the chorus line is "It's Your love that we adore it's like a sea without a shore, we're lost in You", and the bridge is "lets risk the ocean, there's only grace" and that is what I want. In the middle GRACE and on the top 'lets risk' and the bottom 'the ocean'.
I posted the video right after this blog, so go listen to the song :)
Just of how amazing and how big God's grace is. I LOVE the beach, and that analogy just moves me every time I think about it. So...yes. Praying about that..where to get it I don't know yet ha

Sunday, March 27, 2011

As I have tried to post the past week or so, I just haven't known where to start. But. Oh Well.
Life has been quite interesting. Sort-of like a drastic roller coaster. hahah
So, I have changed my major. I auditioned to be a music edu voice major, and I am in. I wasn't sure if that is where God wanted me, but yesterday when auditioning, they had no hesitants and so I think that was God saying, "Megan, this is what you and I wanted all along!"
I am going to try and keep up my blog through the summer because I am working at Kamp Kanakuk, and it is going to be such an experience that I just want to share!
I am moving back into my step-mom's house with my dad, and my room looks like a sci-cop!!! NO LIE! IT. IS. AWESOME.
So something that God has been really showing me is to have my complete joy in Him. Today in church that was the topic-yes that was spoken to me. Because I mean my personality is naturally energetic, and so before I was a Christian I was known as happy and bubbly. But now that I am His how much as changed. Something God is doing....we'll see how that goes ;)
I feel quite random now, and it's just been too long, so I am going to write somewhere to blog every other day or so!
Psalm 87:7. All my fountains are in You.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Sunday Snowed in- NOT

So yesterday Michelle and I woke up, walked to Kroger (in 30 degree weather), and made eggs and bacon in the dorm. With a plastic spoon, as in, NO SPATULA.
So, the day goes on, we do nothing. literally.
SO that night, there is this sticky man attached to our ceiling and tried to get him down. Probably ONE of the funniest things my friends and I have done. It's one of those be there moments.
Today we walked to Shipleys and Kroger and now doing NOTHING. it's beautiful.
School was canceled for the ice....COME ON SNOW.
OH, and last night we made over 30 videos for friends and family. I love the bond in my friends.
HANNA SPORK is the coolest person ever. no really. if you don't know her, you really should.
I don't think my MC experience would be the same without her and her wonderful room mate.
Not a joke. bestie and roomie. I don't really know where to start with her.
At passion they said 'think of your middle school BFF' I thought of her. and Andy said now think about them running passion, and that is what happened to Louie and Andy. Everyone of-course laughs and I just am like well..she's my room mate at school :) no one else can EVER say that, and say they are doing wonderful. I am SOOO thankful for that.
tis all.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Passion 2011-what I learned?

Passion 2011-22000 college aged people in the name of Jesus. How powerful.

This is my blog about what I learned. So I am sorry it's so long, I am just looking at my notes typing pretty much.

It's a lot for 4 days ok!

Beth Moore's main session was pretty good. She talked about renewals of our minds. How a stronghold is something pretending to have more power over God.
Beth Moore breakout-amazing. Stepping on some toes here.
She talked about desires-loving God with our heart. There were 6 things.
1-Nothing dictates our LOVES like our DESIRES.
2-Beneath the desire of our heart, is the heart of our desires.
3- Delighting in God makes our truest desires inevitable.
inevitable- unable to avoid.
When you believe that God is over Satan, he falls like lightening from heaven.
FUNNY STORY- one time beth was walking to a chris tomlin, was so overcome by the spirit, she stopped in the middle of the street and played air guitar!! NO LIE. i almost peed my pants.
I want that kind of joy for God to not even care.
4- Nothing eternal cal steal our right to delight.
these 3 things 'take a bite out of our delight'
5- To make room for delight, we've got to commit.
6- Patiently waiting for desire to turn into delight, is not PASSIVE.

Francis Chan talked about our lives being the same as the gospel.
I actually drew a balance beam in my notes; he said that our lives and God needs to be at the same level, not us above God.
-Can people look at me and know that I believe in hell? powerful.
-Can people look at me and see that I have been saved from that hell? matt. 25

Andy Stanley-
He talked about appetites.
How they will rule me or I will rule it.
3 things to know:
1- God created them; sin distorted them.
2- Appetites are never fully and finally satisfied.
3- Your appetites always whisper NOW and never LATER.

So he talked about Genesis 25 Jacob and Esau. Go read it. I write a lot.

Ben Stuart break out set perfect after andy stanley. Andy talked a lot about sin, and Ben finished about being forgiven about it.
That we are fighting for holiness.

Do you feel more loved of God when He makes more of you or because He enables you to make most of Him? that is his question.
So....God needs to be the bottom of our joy because HE IS the foundation. I drew a physical fountain because 'all my fountains are in You' so God is the fountain and my joy is the water spewing out.

New birth isn't having the same meal with a different butler. Having the same deepest desires after you meet Jesus isn't it.

Why in the bible does God perform love acts in a way to make the most of Himself.

7 ways that God makes much of you

1- by being pleased with us through Jesus.
2- making us fellow heirs with Jesus who owns ALL things.
3- by having us sit at tables when Jesus returns, and He serves us-like a slave.
4- appointing us to carryout the judgment of angels.
5- ascribing values and rejoicing over us as His possession.
6-granting me to sit with Christ on His throne.
7- God loves me.

Louie Giglio- I didn't take notes but I just remember a main point.
When we go back home, we will say 'oh john piper rocked', but no...JESUS DID. Do we have it to stand up for Him to say He showed up and and showed out because He really did.

Go center- 22,000 college kids raised over ONE MILLION DOLLARS.
there is Jesus for ya.

Watching that many people worship the name of Jesus. That was just as wonderful.
That's what I learned. What I actually gained will come later.