Wednesday, August 3, 2011


So my life is one of those lives I tend to not share my super inner thoughts, but I feel like I can say whatever I want on this here blog because hey- it's mine.
So, I did a LONG paper on facebook and how it defines America..yada yada.
One portion of it was how facebook used to delete people who died, but after the Virginia Tech. incident they decided to use it as a sort of memorial. I have never seen it happen, before a few days ago. My dad's co-worker, and my sisters good friend-shot himself a few days ago. And now everyone is like mourning on his facebook....FACEBOOK. just sayin'. I mean great for them- and for lots of other people who do that. However, the second I meet Jesus I want my facebook turned off and I'm sorry I don't really care about the earth when I am in heaven..hello I'll be with JESUS.
And, my sister is divorcing her husband right now, and it sucks obviously. Divorce seems to be running in the family these days. Gosh I am ready to be married though. Most kids in my situation would be scared of being married, but I'm the complete opposite. Weird.
I am ready to go back to school.
I am ready to go back to school.

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