Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I'm adopted :)

So, secret church was Friday. And...before secret church God was ALL OVER our day.
Becca=in front
Sarah+ Meg = behind Becca
Random white truck= besides Becca
White truck tries to pull into the lane where Becca is= Becca runs 70 mph into the median.
Her car =fine=God.

we drive again. And I realize that I forgot the tickets. So we get Haley to scan the tickets to Becca's dad who meets us at Arby's to give them to us.
Satan just did NOT want us going right?

Finally, we are walking to the overflow room. Not even the main room. This random guy asks if just us 3 are going to the overflow room. We respond yes. He then says he has extra tickets to the MAIN ROOM!!!!!!!! :) We were 13th row for David Platt :) :) :) :)
Worship=closest thing to heaven. Surpasses passion. I know. Hard to beat. But the fact that there were SO many different age groups just made me want to fall on my knees! *gets chill bumps*.
Platt Speaks.
7 hours.
142 page study guide.
My favorite part was learning about Adoption, and how I am truly His and not my own. Like. I love my family. As C-R-A-Z-Y as it is, but the fact that I am a part of God's most perfect family is just so peaceing. (yes..it's a word)
I really just don't know what else to say..so. yea.
Then I chilled with Jamie Beau and Dee Saturday :) It was SOOO fun. I just love them.
Sunday...I did homework and random stuff.
Monday I went home.
It was great!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now.....finals *Dies inside*
But...the Lord is constant and that is all that matters. Amen.

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