Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Lots of thankfulness. Lots of whys. Lots of present and fore-coming newness, while old life fades away.

T-less than 1 week. So many emotions towards all of this. Excitement for a new city. Anxiety for the lack of future planning. Sadness for leaving all the things in Jackson; leaving all the training programs that holds my heart. Fear of how long I'll be in this mental battle. Joy because I'll be with my friends. Anticipation because of all the new places to go, see, and get plugged in at.
READY because-it's time.

Lots of things practically have happened, are happening, and will happen. I have moved most of my stuff to my apt. in Memphis. My dad is coming up this weekend to get my furniture. Friend dates are coming to a close. My training group programs are ending. I went through my stuff last week. I went through my clothes which was a daunting process that ended up being OK with my good 'ole friend Amanda. My heart is thankful to have her there to just hold space and lessen the intensity.
Me: We are taking a selfie.
Amanda: ......
Me: Like how I didn't ask *pulls out phone*
Amanda: makes thrilled face 
The reason I am in Jackson until April 3rd is because of the people below. They inspire me to be the best me possible in this phase of life. Having no idea what's happening in my life, nor me to theirs, we all get to put it all away and bond over the love (or momentary hate) of getting in shape. My heart feels like a proud mom watching them grow to walk, run/walk, or run their 5K goal race this weekend. They have battled all the weather conditions the last 10 weeks (thank you Mississippi). They have dealt with my craziness of forgetting things, being so insecure the first week, forgetting names, and sometimes running a *bit* more than intended. They have battled hills, small setbacks, successes, slips, and all the things we runners know happen-they are learning. They are the people that were/are my constant amidst my inconsistent life phase. They are the pure joy I looked forward to each day amidst my craziness. They are why I am here and though we questioned if I should stay, I know and see it was endlessly worth it to get to know and do life with these people.
Be still my heart; taking their 60 second walk in the
midst of their interval.
As I was thrown into the fact I need to go back to Fairhaven-all the thoughts of 'why' started flooding back. *THIS* was my biggest fear. I even stated that in my last blog. I could never go back to 'old Meg' and needing to back to treatment would mean I went back there; I failed. OF COURSE God has a sense of humor.
The plus side of me going back is that I am not going back for what I was so scared to go back for: my eating disorder. Praise the Lord that though it's not 'gone', it is much more manageable and I am seeking more and more freedom as the days go by. 
Like spontaneously having a milk shake because they are yummy.
So why go back?
Ya see, I had a part of me that denied this whole bipolar diagnosis because I hadn't experienced all that I am 'supposed to'.. *cue me going to Fairhaven and getting quite distant from Ed*. So I come back and rapid cycling like I've never had is thrown at me; life is crumbling before my eyes yet again. I begin to question why and thank the Lord for Fairhaven. They have shown me in a way it's a good thing.
Well, anytime I used to experience a 'feeling' I didn't want to, I would fall back on Ed to help me feel only what I wanted to. So now that I'm learning to feel and cope like a normal person, the things that my brain is working through is coming up more.
I feel much more 'comfortable' going back to FH because of this. To learn how to function in life.
Travel buddy and all the things en route to Memphis!
I didn't go back to old Meg. I won't ever go back to old Meg. She is a mere memory I can feel sad for, be thankful for of what she provided, and when remembering her be reminded of how much silent suffering there was and how much more freedom I have in recovery.
New Meg has life. New Meg knows what she is missing and is being humbled enough to ask for help, desperately cling to Christ, and all the while still have moments of the breath of life when standing in front of 40 people who trust you to help them with their athletic goals.
New Meg still has a lot to learn, and is blindly jumping into this new phase of life. To see all that the world has to offer. All that Christ wants to further teach. All that there is to live for and to find more of it each day. 


  1. Hi Meg!

    Just wanted to let you know I admire you for what you're doing. Happy you were able to stay with us til the end, but even happier knowing you are doing what's best for you. God Bless!
    Sending prayers up!

    Susan Williams

    1. Oh gosh thank you so much. I'll never take back staying until the end with you guys. I still talk about how proud I am of y'all and how honored I was to be apart of y'all's journey.
      I hope you can do it again--the other coach is really fun! :)
