Thursday, May 11, 2017

refreshing road trips, races, and redemption at its' finest.

So many things has happened since I last blogged! 
I am delving into the depths of therapy which is its' own training. Some days I have to take a few moments to decompress before continuing on with the afternoon. It's exhausting; it's up there with IM training. Treatment is its' own form of running a marathon.
I am slowly gaining the ability to be more social which is exciting. I am making Memphis more and more my 'home'; it's surreal but a cool experience. One wonderful example is L (left) and I road tripped to Oxford to see S (right). It was and is refreshing to be 'normal people' with the girls I do intense life with at FH! 
It was double decker weekend which made the experience all the more fun!
I still have been training quite hard and am excited about my upcoming race(s)! However, in the midst of it, a few of my NOBOer's decided to take on a 10k! I told them I'd come run it with them, and it was the most beautiful thing to be able to participate in with them. Seeing them go from .25 miles of running to completing a 10k makes me feel like a proud mom (coaching win).
They were so proud and I was just as elated as them!
To go off the racing topic, it is continually the best part of recovery to be rescued from the depths of Ed; to start to walk in life-giving life of training for Him; to see food as fuel. I'm certainly not saying I have this down everyday, but overall the mental shift is one that I never dreamed possible. 
The progression of proclaiming His rescuing to confidence in Him and having nothing to do but sing praises; this is redemption guys. (see below said progression).

"For You have rescued me from death; You have kept my feet from slipping so now I can walk in Your presence, O God, in Your life-giving life. - Ps. 56:13.

"My heat is confident in You, O God; my heart is confident. No wonder I can sing Your praises! - Ps. 57:7.
Re for rescuing redemption. (the flowers however have surpassed being rescued)
I pondered how to end it, and the way I ended last blog still rings true.
"So in short there's lost sof parts: fabulous, tough, sad, thrilling, awesome, fear, frustration, love, happiness, beauty; all the things life should hold.

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