Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Life change is comin' for me

I've dropped off the face of the Earth in blog world because quite honestly nothing exciting has been happening. Since quitting Fleet Feet, I had a prior obligation through the end of May (and sports camp in June!), but it was only part of the day, so ultimately I have had a lot of time to do school, and what not.
I have some really fun and exciting news. I will be assistant teaching PE at Northside Elementary School in Clinton, MS. I LIVE on the road of the dang school so this couldn't be more perfect.
It is SUCH a God thing of how it happened. Long story short I had a job opportunity with another wonderful company. I had the contract in my e-mail when Mandy Ambrose, the principal, called me, questioned me, and offered me a job! I said THE most unprofessional thing I could've said, "Let me call my dad!" HAH. But we decided this is the place for me for the time being. I am excited to be joining the Northside family August 1st!
I am TERRIFIED because I will be going to teaching school full time and taking night classes for grad school. Me and that much business has a tendency to not do so hot but, this time will be different. This time I know myself more than I ever have before; this time I have plans in place for when I get overwhelmed. This time I have coping skills, and more Christ-centered friends to pray me through, encourage me, and call me out when needed. This time I will succeed..God-willing.
Class is going well. I am LOVING writing/reading about things I am passionate about like mental illness, how it impacts 'normal' people, and how I can use my personal experiences to impact my future clients. So far my grades are showing my passion, and I hope to keep it up! (I also currently have plenty of time to study so I better make good grades haha) I am taking theories, and 'helping people' which is basically where I learn how therapists 'do their thing' of helping you encounter tough emotions and how to work through them thorough various techniques.
long-time bestie who can now help me in counseling classes! 
One thing the Lord has been using in my life in a huge way are the kiddos I teach Sunday mornings. The Lord led me to a revelation. Ya see...I struggle with pride. I love that my personality is a lot; I own it. I like my energy, I like that because of it everyone knows who I am, I love being 'known' in public, I love being on stage Sunday's, I love people complimenting my accomplishments; I find my worth in how 'known' I am *I realize this is not the right mentality*. Ya see..I still struggle with my eating disorder..ya see I am doing all the things everyone has told me to do. I left my favorite place on Earth, Fleet Feet, I distanced myself from running culture, I ask for help from my friends, I create a relapse prevention plan, my mood is gaining more and more stability; I essentially *should* be 'cured' (terrible wordage)...but I'm not. Why? Why does this still happen? Well...I can't have that much pride in myself while I still struggle with behaviors; it reminds me I am human and struggle day-to-day. It's time to get honest with myself and my treatment team. Until I start to find my worth ONLY in the Lord and all He has spoken over me, I think my progress will be to a minimum because I am too prideful to admit my deep flaw, but it's time to practice what I teach these precious kiddos. Getting to lead and impact so many tiny humans changes my life every week in the hardest and best way possible. So...here's to humbling myself to the cross and starting to fully believe that Jesus is IT..He is enough..He is my pride..not my accomplishments.
I love getting support these little people.
Family (plus Meg) Popsicle dates are the bomb.com
So..life is about to pick up a bit. I have one more week of solitude and I plan to spend it with friends, with Jesus, with my bike and the road, and myself to mentally prepare for the upcoming semester. So..there's the reader's digest version of my summer and what's to come :) 
<3 div="" meg="" nbsp="">

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