Thursday, February 2, 2012


In 164 days I will be getting on a plane to fly to some place in Canada-Ontario to be specific to go serve at some church for 2 WHOLE months. June 4-August 6. Then 2 days later move back into the dorm.
Let me tell you how all this has happened.
Pre East Asia:
Everybody was talking about kamps they would work at or doing summer missions or interning at church or taking classes. Literally I said I was doing each of these things but I knew I could only pick one. But I had no idea and I was ok with that-I just wanted to know. But God knew how it should have happened- and praise to Him I waited.
In East Asia:
I fell madly in love with the call to missions. I don't know if I am called-I am terrified to say I am, however I can totally see myself living in a hostile country teaching music somehow. I didn't want to say yes to summer missions in case I didn't like it. Well the opposite happened-I fell in love and I can't fall out so the only thing left to do is to GO.
Post East Asia:
It was as if it was a 'duh' thing. I decided to do summer missions. Now the deadline was BEFORE Christmas break. Here I am the middle of January wanting to apply to the NAMB. For some reason Jesus let me through. So I spend 6 hours draining myself into this application. Get 5 references turned in, in just one day. Do a local interview and realize that I will be in Dallas, TX for the state interview. Without that you can't go. So we set up at time to skype in.
So praise the Lord for my RD, a wonderful friend, bible partner, Mel. We go to a room that should have internet my computer and the one she has was not working. My phone is the only line left and it had 5% battery left. Mel randomly pulls out a phone charger. Who keeps a phone charger in their bag? Apparently Jesus put it there for me. Thanks.
So I get on and apparently the people I was going to skype with-their internet stopped working so we had to do the interview over the phone. I put it on speaker phone so Mel could hear the questions I was answering. It went great. The end-their phone died which was pretty funny! But they told me then I was probably going to Canada.
Insert awesome Jesus moment:
The phone charger was not Mels. Her's was in the hotel room. Apparently somehow some other phone charger back in C-town ended up in her bookbag!!!!!!! Really Jesus? Like-how can you NOT claim Jesus over that one.
Confirmation Call:
Heidi calls at like 10pm and informs me I am going to Canada! I obviously see the world stop and just am enthralled and so excited. I find out the next day-
so each summer missionary is assigned a place and most people have a partner to go with.
My place-it has on it one missionary requested
that is me-I am going to some place in Canada to serve.
I am scared out of my freaking mind. I wonder what in the world God is going to do.
I am so excited though-right now I am more scared.
I pray God takes that away-FAST. I need to surrender it to Him.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Just remember you will not be alone in Toronto you will have family with you. I got my notice today my work permit is ready. Melanie, the boys, and I will be moving. I will be up there within the next few weeks and the rest of the family will be there in March. When you get there we will have to meet up for dinner and I can give you the story of how God has lead me and my family to Toronto.

    1. WOW! Yes when I get there I would love to see y'all and hear how in the world you ended up in Toronto. That is just so cool how the Lord put me there and y'all are moving there. I am for sure praying for y'all in the transition. That is so awesome that He led y'all there. I shall see y'all in June! yay!
