Monday, June 9, 2014

Colca Canyon experiences, and what the heck I gained from it.

The attempt to write my experience of a weekend of a lifetime is such a struggle. So many things to try to remember that is now simply an avid memory engraved on my brain. Here we go!!

So Danny and I left at 3 am. Got in a van with an American, a French dude who now lives in America, 3 French girls, a girl and dude from Holland, and some travelers from England.
We rode for 4 hours. Had breakfast. And started the trek! That day it was intense downhill, an uphill, and then downhill. I've never hated downhills so much. We ate lunch in the middle of the canyon at some random house. Don't ask what it was Haha. Anyways, we continued and at the end of it our legs were freaking Jell-o. We were standing there and you could literally see all our legs shaking from the 6 hours of intense trekking. So, Danny and I befriended two Englanders: Rickie and Fiona. So, I roomed with Fiona-and Danny with Rickie. So we hung out at the bottom of the canyon, jumped in a pool for a 'shower', and socialized with people from all over the world and simply shared life. That was pretty amazing to be a part of. I'm glad I didn't nap. Ate dinner. Spaghetti!!! And. Went to sleep having no idea the crazy trek that awaited us at 5am that morning.

So. We woke up at 4:15, and knew that morning was going to be intense. But. No idea. First off breakfast was after the trek. And. It was pitch black so headlamps were vital. So. Worth. It. So it was like a 3 hour straight CRAZY uphill with stairs the whole time. Going up a few thousand feet in just a few hours. So. Fiona and I finished it together breathlessly but with such a feeling of accomplishment. A moment I'll never forget: seeing the top and everyone cheering you did it! So we walked to breakfast, continued walking to our bus, and began the rest of the morning riding and touring around Colca canyon. We even went to the highest point: almost 5000 meters. You could feel the difference with simply walking. Boy was that inhaler useful this weekend! At this point we also befriended an American and a French guy who is American: Frenchie and Mike. They were super cool and we all discussed our endeavors for life, and also running PR's. It was fun to share mine and be in the same league as everyone else. So. We rode back, departed our friends, and Danny and I simply smiled, high-fived, and stood in awe over our weekend adventure.

We got back and MEA practically tackled us and everyone was anxiously awaiting to hug our necks. Probably the best greeting I have ever experienced. Thanks guys for fulfilling my hearts desire. Ash was super glad to see that we were alive! So we attempted to share our stories while being exhausted, called the padre', took a shower, and went to McDonalds and SMASHED. I had a quarter pounder, fries, McBites, a huge piece of chocolate cake, and a chocolate McFlurry. Then went to bed. However, I woke up a few times because anytime I moved pain shot through my legs and lower back. The morning after is so intense. One for the trek; zero for my body. But. I would do it a thousand times over. Just. Not today.

The best part was the people. It was simply amazing to be a part of a group of people who already love each other because of a common love: adventuring. One couple quit their job for a year just to travel the world. Seriously. It made me think of the movie: Eat, Pray, Love. Although I don't agree with all of that movie biblically, I have such a deep appreciation of her love of people, travel, and the quest to find herself. Although I know myself, I feel like I always find more of me with every once of a lifetime experience. I also feel like I realize the lack of Christ in the world, and my lack of trust in Him, because of my lack of communication about Him. Something to ponder; something to work on. Who am I with Christ in America vs. who I am with Christ in another country. Also. What my hearts desires really are and what I find important are ultimately changing. The 20's: where every year you are a completely different person thus far. And. That is quite ok!

So. Colca canyon was a success and one of the highlights for sure.

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