Thursday, October 23, 2014

The ramblings of 22 year old Meg...for such a time is this.

Well, as I went to post on my 'running' blog, I realized that what I had to say was some running, but a lot of just life, so I decided to re-visit this blog.  
All I need is a Piano and a Bible and I'll be content...and some running shoes would be nice. 
Taylor Swift's '22' rings in my head.  "We're happy, free, confused, and lonely at the same time.  It's miserable and magical."  She understands what it is like to be a 'normal' girl who is in her mid-20's, no boy, not a clue what she is doing pretending to have it all together when really it's all a mess, and just living day to day.  Even as a celebrity.  That's epic. 
Ok but really.  What the heck?  Coming into college I honestly had envisioned myself being engaged at this moment, graduating with a teaching degree, teach for a few years, do random cool stuff, and then have kiddos and be a mommy.  


 I am super chill with where I am because I know it's oh so right.  But.  None the less.  Not much of my 'plan' is happening.  
I will graduate in May *FINALLY* with a music degree I really don't plan to use. (Or do I?...)  I kind-of want to take a year and just work at my dream job I AM at (Fleet Feet) and just...BE.  Work.  Train...Chill with no school.  But I also am interested in a higher education masters (that RD life), TESOL, and sports nutrition...yeah.  3 if two isn't confusing enough.  I am convinced my mind changes everyday as to what my 'calling' in life is.  But I have to remember.  My calling is to LOVE, to SERVE, to BE, to GO, to DISCIPLE.  As long as I do that where ever I am.  I am fulfilling life.  Or so I like to think.  But in 21st day and age what does that look like for this Meg?  


Some days I plan my life out with a TESOL degree then the next day I see myself with a sports team and that very next moment I desire to be back at MC as an RD.  #thestruggle is the epitome of that.  

However I can't help but jump back to "Where ever you are.  Be all there." and I feel like this needs to apply to NOW.  For SUCH a time is this (thank you Esther) and THIS time is where I work at the coolest job, go to my favorite classes, and run for fun.  SERIOUSLY.

Until then...I'll live my life this upcoming year going to Chinese, Piano, working, and training for another marathon all the while cooking yummy stuff like this in our adult-y town home.
chicken enchilada casserole and healthy pumpkin chocolate chip cookies 
Also.  It's been a whole month since I've crossed the Augusta finish line.  The thing I had been gazing towards was this date with my roomie.  We went and got a mani/pedi and she even paid for my mani as a 'happy'.  Love her and am endlessly thankful we are roomies.  It's different for me for sure to have one, and I wouldn't want to go through it with anyone else.  Seriously.
We are too adorable.
The other exciting thing after I did was walk to Sonic with this beautiful kid.  I seriously don't remember this photo, or that day at all, but I do remember going to Mexican the day after and also Sonic the following day because I was too exhausted to cook.  I could write a book about this kid.  But.  In short.  We are in the SAME season of life.  Technically still in college, but living the adult life (barely surviving) and loving every moment but hating it simultaneously somehow.
We love to text each other those buzzfeed articles and have decided they spy on our life and write about it...
I was also crafty with some race gear and I want to show it off......this is a rarity!!!!

Ramblings happen.  Life happens.  People come in and out of your life.  And for that I am grateful for the newer additions to my life to keep me sane.  For such a time is this seems to be applying to me, and this time I am going to love every confused moment.

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