Thursday, June 11, 2015

Your 3 point sermon on mesiness

Sometimes I face the decision of 'which' blog to blog from.  Because I have my running/triathlon blog here, and then obviously the one your eyes are staring at.

Let's jump in.  I don't want to lose you in an intro.  Let us back up a little.

Almost 2 years ago I lost a bunch of weight via Ideal Protein in Gulfport.  Stayed the same size til..a little over 4 months ago I did a 50 miler and injured myself, thus allowing me to not run.  I gained 12 pounds in about 6 weeks.  None of my shorts fit.  I said HECK NO, found out about the greatest IP coach ever from friends, and set off to see her and 'get back'.

I thought 'ok will lose the 12 and then an additional 10 in a little time and be fine and go back to how I was doing and no one has to know the real problem.'

Wrong. (I currently lost 15 and still have 7 more to go!!..but that is not the point.)

I could have been done, however there's something that I have begun to realize a vast array of people struggle with and don't talk about: sugar.  We joke about it, hint at loving it, glaze over it like it's ok because 'it's not alcohol or drugs', or proclaim how we will work it off.  I've done my share of all of it.  However.  After 23 years it's time to take it on for what it is.


I am convinced sugar is THE most addicting substance on planet Earth.  You want it all.  You want to eat that 1/2 dozen of donuts and oh have I had my share of those moments.  I am always impressed and jealous of those people who are truly satisfied with just a brownie and ice cream and call it a day. Me? NO! I want that, and then about 3 more.
I know there's science behind it all blah blah.  Feel free to look at this quickly google searched random article.  All I know is that after a week of not binging on sugary goodness, I need it.  However, I have been actively working on it, and every weekend make a slow progress to overcoming myself.

I have been learning with Liz (IP coach) what a label is.  That calories aren't 'just' calories.  What a vegetable truly is.  How to care about every calorie I am putting in my body.  That I need fuel for training, and you need fuel for living.  That saving calories for night time isn't the answer.  That a strategic planned cheat meal is not 'getting off', and that it is accepted and needed.  That though I am able to train with Paydays or uncrustables, it would be wiser to use whole/not horribly processed foods, or foods not stimulating to my sugar brain like bonk breakers (fig and blueberry oat are the BOMB), or the usual 'runner fuel': Gu.
Most times I am making the wise choice for the wonderfulness of a protein filled super shake, eggs, berries, and toast for breakfast.  But.  There are the days when I want those donuts, but no.  I am learning that my body is worth it.  I am worth it.  I also am learning that sometimes when I want the whole tub of yogurt...that's ok too. ;)

If I can, you can too.

I am worth it, and so are you.

Here's a few things I am in the process of still learning daily:
1) have a friend that you tell EVERYTHING to.  Or.  Some of us (me) are so blessed to have more than one of those.  But.  This is key.
2) 3 words need to be said EVERY TIME you see that ice cream joint, or that pizza you want: 'shut up brain.'  and if you are into the Jesus thing as my friends and I embarking on this journey are, 'Satan back up.'
3) Know it is a learning curve.  I say this as I am in the deepest part of the learning curve.  I don't have it figured out.  I know that there are trigger foods.  I know that you need to figure those out, and get rid of them. Forever.

That's all.  Til next time when my heart has a word vomit pondering that needs to be shared.

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