Thursday, August 25, 2016

Helllllloooooo Coffee- let's defy the ending.

Such truth about life; so thankful for friends to share empowering messages with me.
Oh sweet wonderful caffeine; you get to come back into my life tomorrow morning; I couldn't be more thrilled.  Thank you Corey for tempting me into getting what I expect to be the best coffee of my life: blueberry cobbler from Strange Brew in Starkville.
So.  Why have I not had coffee? Along with dairy, gluten, soy, eggs, citrus fruits, peanuts, shellfish, corn, preservatives, artificial sugar, and artificial dyes?
quinoa, berry, chicken sausage, almond salad
It's called the elimination diet.  Now let me be clear as ever to specify I did NOT treat it like a diet.  The word 'diet' is one that is quite triggering so I tend to call it my 'elimination thing'.  For 23 days as of tomorrow, I haven't had one inkling of anything in the list above. 
So why did I choose to do this?  After doing my share of research; food directly relates to mood disorders.  Which means I have control over the intensity of my diagnosis; I can be my worst nightmare or my best advocate.  I can make my life easier by cutting out ________; which means first figuring out what ________ is. 
So I have spent the last 3 weeks letting my body get it all out; it has been great! It's been hard, but I haven't ever felt this clear-minded.  It's been and is a cool experience being so motivated for my own health.  I don't need someone to 'baby-sit' me like my friends have done in the past, but am so intrigued to see what ingredients push my buttons more so it hasn't been 'tempting'.  It is so refreshing to know I am at a spot in recovery where I trust myself enough to try it.  I won't say it has been a walk in the park.  I have had moments of doubt, moments of questioning, but overall it's been a great experience not filled with relapse; for this I am elated!
sweet potato, broccoli, chicken bake
So what HAVE I eaten lately?  Veggies, fruit, some nuts, chicken, turkey, sweet potatoes/quinoa. I've learned I can cook; I can have one 'meal' and it be what I eat for lunch. I can throw things in a pan, bake it for 45 minutes, and call it dinner for 4 nights.  I can have snacks that are healthy, and don't have to down water to convince myself I'm full.  I really miss coffee, and can't wait for caffeine.  I have my speculations of what 'it' is, but if yogurt is one I might need a day of mourning ;)

sweet potato fries, turkey burger, and asparagus/broccoli with garlic
I think I could blog everyday from now until Jesus comes back that my story is one that screams of God's goodness, grace, mercy, and everything else proclaiming He is a good Father.  I am thankful for newfound friends to share life with, share my story with/hear theirs, and it all be in a redeeming way; that Christ not only SavED me, but SavES me.  Getting to hear other peoples' life change stories encourages my heart to continue on.  With such thankfulness I can only be abounding with praise over how intimate our God really is with us, our lives; intersecting people at just the right time; it's indescribable.
Good days. 
Good weeks.
And tomorrow: COFFEE! 

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