Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Cheers to life, love, and happiness

Well it's been a hot minute. The time gets away from you! Here's a little Q&A from my heart and life to yours. 

How am I really? So, as I said before, this last semester was making sure I didn't relapse with my mood disorder or eating disorder. ED wise has been hit and miss but manageable. The kicker was my mood disorder. It happened the end of September. Right on time. 5 months later. It was hard. I almost didn't make it. Everyone was concerned, but this time was different. I made a choice that I wanted to fight for my life, and fight I did. My friends at school kept me going- little did they know; I woke up every single morning for my kiddos. They were my breath of fresh air and life to my body. Northside will never grasp the place it will always have in my heart; the place I have gotten to come back to the world and prove to everyone I am capable of being a person again. It's been since 2015 that I have had that, so this is a pretty big deal. Thank you to Northside for being so kind and accepting of my personality and loving me instantaneously. Thank you kids for being light when I couldn't see or create any on my own. Thank you for being apart of helping me find who I am via career wise and what I want to create in me. I can't wait to see what the future holds for us all!!
Though it was hard; and I know it'll come back because it's the nature of this. But for now I will be thankful for stability and for modern medicine to make it subside 'faster'.
Jumps for joy that I got a strike at our staff Christmas party; over the simple fact of that I got this far to go!
"I will look back and see that You are faithful. I look ahead believing You are able."
Jesus has been all over me, even when I couldn't feel it, or when I didn't think it was worth it to try. He's always sent people my way right when I needed them to help me fight. He lets me see glimpses of my future life; me being successful, happy, recovery minded, loved and loving, and ultimately living in the middle of His perfect plan. I got the honor of sharing some of my story to Kissimee, and as I was preparing I couldn't help but cry tears of thankfulness and standing in awe of that I'm here.
This might not of been the life path I would've set in place for myself, but it's one that I would and will never take back. I know it's one that the Lord had in store for me because it all points back to Him; that He is provider and will NEVER leave you.

A sweet girl who knew (ok her mom) that October was a big month for me, so she brought me a happy. This is why I do what I do. These precious kiddos. 
How are 'learning' classes? I dropped grad school within 10 days. I could feel myself slipping and last semester was all about not ending back up in treatment, so I quickly realized I couldn't handle it. I have limitations other people don't and ya know what, it's OK! Mental illness is just as hindering as physical illness, and both are ok to realize you can't do what other people can do.
So, I am going*hopefully-pending everything works*  in June to become a MUSIC teacher! YAY!

How is teaching school?
I LOVE MY KIDDOS! I have found my 'people' at school. Those who know my story and love me despite it. I have heard some of their stories and love them immensely. These kiddos will never know how their love for me impacts my everyday life.

Am I still running?
YES! I ran St. Jude and then Blues. I am training for FUU-Fondern Urban Ultra. It's a 12-hour race. I want 40 miles in the midst of it. SHEESH! I'm nervous but excited to see what I can do.
Well that route isn't daunting to look at....

So. This blog is all about standing in awe of life. Standing in awe that I am here. Getting to look back to see the depths of darkness, and seeing how the Lord helped me overcome it all. I am getting to live this semester thankful for not being in Memphis-for not being at Three Oaks. But getting to love on some kiddos everyday, and that makes my heart spin in circles. 


  1. So thankful for you, Meg, and proud of all the hard work you are doing! You're truly fighting the good fight!!
