Thursday, March 21, 2019

Girl, fight on.

I am late to the Rachel Hollis debate. I am just now reading her first book, 'Girl, Wash Your Face'. And let me be the first to tell you, go do something for yourself and buy you a copy. Right now it's 40% off at Barnes and Noble!

Her first few words made me a little anxious that the blogs I read were going to be right. But I kept going, and I am so thankful I did. Her heart is in the Lord and it is obvious. She reminds me of Moses in Exodus 14, where my favorite verse lies. "The LORD your God will fight for you, you need only to be still." But it keeps going, "The LORD said to Moses, "Why do you cry to me? Tell the people of Israel to go forward." The chapter continues into explaining parting the Red Sea and then it happening. What would've happened if Moses just would've sat still-literally? NO! His heart was still; calm; at peace. And then ya know what? He took ACTION! God spoke to him and he made it happen through the Lord, and that is Rachel Hollis in a nutshell. That is what I desire for my life; calm heart, and the ability to fight and take action for my life.
People in my circle to encourage me, and be with me.
Thankful for these ladies!
That is something I feel like I am doing and will continue to do. The Lord was there with me when I fell down. The Lord supplied 3 oaks and Fairhaven and fight I did for my life-literally. Whoever says you can't fight for yourself clearly hasn't had a mental breakdown. I pray to never encounter those depths again, but I am thankful for them because I proved to myself I am capable of anything. 100k? Psh, I survived way worse. That's my mantra! I wouldn't of made it without the Lord; He was there for me when I couldn't be there for myself, and He helped me get back on my knees, to get back on my feet, and humbly start walking again towards Him.
Recovery means flavored soda and a trendy picture
Ok, so her book is basically about these lies she (and probably most of us) think to ourselves about ourselves, stories about her personal experiences with them, advice on how to cope with them, and then practical things we can do to combat them.
One thing she talks about is dreams; practically speaking, how to achieve our dreams. In the chapter 'No is the final answer' she tells her reader to write down their dreams/goals/aspirations. So I naturally paused to think of my dreams. A few of them are to run 100 miles, run the great wall of China marathon, climb mount Everest (It's gonna happen one day-just you wait.) Ok that's athletically, so what about professionally? I dream to help kids, to be their advocate, to be their sounding board when some of their lives are crumpling around them. I guess it makes sense to become a teacher to do that, so here goes nothing.
Pouring into my friends kiddos makes this heart so happy.
Even if we spend an hour in 5 below.
Another dream? Moving overseas. (Look I have a lot I want to do in my lifetime.) I want to live in another country. China would be nice, but Peru would be fun too. I honestly don't care; my goal to help kids can go globally because I can tell them about Jesus, which is the best news of it all! I was all set to go my senior year of college when God took that desire away; rightfully so. He knew the turmoil that was about to occur in my life and how I needed to be in communion with my people. But the desire is slowly coming back! This is exciting and terrifying. I have so many things against me however, so did Moses, but the Lord fought for him and fight he will for me too.
My running partner; a girl who stands beside me and fights with me.
We solve the world's problems all before 7am. 
So my overall review of Girl, Wash Your Face? 10/10. Incessantly. If you need to borrow a copy don't ask me because I already have a line of friends ready to read it. I hope this shows you that she loves Jesus and is in it to fight for you because you deserve it; you are worth it, and she is here to help you see your innate worth!

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