Sunday, July 21, 2019


I told myself I'd write a 'goodbye' blog before I left for Peru, but every time I sat down to write it there were/are/will always be too many things/people/moments to mention.
THEN I told myself I'd limit it to the 'important' parts-32 pictures later.......
Ok that won't work.
So. To all that saw me, road tripped with me, danced, laughed, cried, sat in silence, listened, shared, and/or ran next to me-thank you. Thank you for making my last summer in America the best ever.
I stand in awe of where the Lord has me now.
About 70 pieces of my heart that I'll miss every week. 
Last year at this time we were praying for November. My pattern is was 5 months. I had a crash every 5 months. And happened. It was tough, but this time was different. I made it through. It happened again in February but it was less intense-I handled it even better. I hope every 5 months that I make it through, it loses intensity.
I like to think about my past because it makes the present all the more beautiful. I don't like parts of it because I am ashamed of them, but then again all the more beauty from ashes type deal. And...I had a lot of ashes so I plan on there being a lot of beauty.
Like leading these girls plus Brooke (missed you!) is a joy in my life every week. They keep me on my toes, keep me 'trendy', teach me things, celebrate with me, and are overall awesome kids I'll miss. 
I'll miss living with my longtime roomie, Renee'. I'll miss seeing my dad. Running with my bestest friends. And that I am in utter denial over Pinelake kids. Those kids hold a place in my heart that will never be broken. I could go on and on but that's just sad!
Yeah I only cried leaving two people. Dad and Renee'.
Thanks R. Appreciate it. 
Yeah I can't say anything or I'll cry.
But here's dad and I moments before I left. 

I made it to Peru though! It's the most surreal experience landing in a new country..continent at that is going to be called 'home'. Mountains surround me, no humidity, fall weather. 
Pretty much everything I hoped and dreamed for. 
I am sadden to not be with my sweet church kiddos, but will hopefully find some here.
Guess it's time to learn Spanish. 
Outside the window of where I'm staying the first week
Here's to my first week in Peru. Stay tuned to my adventures of getting lost, new foods, beautiful pictures, and looking like a typical expat..can't wait. 


  1. You may be an expat but you are anything but typical.


  2. Love ya! One day at time even if that day last for eternity the sun will set at some point.
