Thursday, March 19, 2020

Forever and a day later

Well, next thing you know it's been too long since I've blogged. Guess those 13 hour days will get cha! is an amazing experience. I don't feel myself crashing. I mean Saturdays I sleep basically the entire day, and I don't get to mega long run much, but it's worth it. I am loving Spanish class. I still make 4839874 mistakes, but can also understand more out in public so, I guess the general point of school is being accomplished. (Thanks Pao!! You da best teacher a girl could ask for. Even when I do not stop talking, you take it like a trooper!)
Renee' is the best. She sent me my stocking she got for me so I have it here now. With lots of my favorite things. 
Amy also sent me a Christmas package and her sweet kids made me this card.
This girl who misses her church kids more than words can express has a happy heart with this.
AnaLu was back for all of February and is here for March, praise the Lord. (I mentioned last blog she was gone for 2 weeks in January.) What a blessing it has been. We talk about well, everything. Right now we are focusing on where our worth is found. That-it's not in what we do, what we look like, what happens to us. Our worth is found in one thing-in what Christ says about us. What does He say? He says if you are in Christ you are His child; holy, blameless, free, loved unconditionally. We Christ followers are forgiven, cherished, given the fruit of the Spirit, loved. One thing is not saying saying Christ loves us comma, then following it with something, but Christ loves us- period. That's it. It's ironic because we are also talking about loving people that we aren't exactly fond of; to see them with Christ's eyes. What Truth. What conviction. Praise the Lord for internet so we can still meet virtually. We dive right in, and for that I am endlessly thankful for all the growth that is happening. 
Being outside with new friends is also its' own therapy.
I mean come on. The heavens scream of Him.
Fellow crazy American bud who just up and moved to Arequipa!
Jenni and I also do so much together (my killer dietitian). She has helped me overcome so many food aversions, and is helping me gain stability in my day-to-day life. She calls it how it is and let me tell you-I wouldn't take what she says from anyone else. But from her, I trust it all with my whole heart.
It's crazy because I doubted so much that I would have a good treatment team here. And God, yet again, has shown Himself over and beyond by blessing me with a treatment team that is perfect for me, and I am blown away continually that they are in my life for such a time as this.

I love my cycles at Cultural. I have had the pleasure to teach the graduating cycle the last 3 months. Though it is more work for me, it is so fun to go through all the emotions with them. I am so sad this months last cycle class has to finish virtually, but I show lots of fun videos (don't worry it relates!) and have a blast as much as possible on Google Classroom and Meet.
Friends like this girl who love Jesus, running, and teaching make this whole thing so much fun!
AKA 'the girls'. They insisted on taking me out for my birthday. My Cultural experience would be vastly different and way less fun without them to encourage me, and have fun!
I am avoiding the fact that my heart longs for more. My heart longs for community-the types I had in America. My friends who walked through my breakdown and just- know. My run buds. My church family. I guess it's time to actually miss it considering it's been 8 months. I adore Peru. I miss my community. I am learning those two things can co-exist, and I am thankful for that truth. I accept that if I left Peru it would be such a loss in my heart, yet I still long for my community back in Jackson-and that is ok; I can hold them simultaneously.
People like them make this whole community thing much more manageable. English
I also am trying to avoid the inevitable topic of the CoVid-19 because it is infiltrating our entire lives. So. In short. It's crazy. Close to how America is reacting yet completely different. We are under government enforced quarantine. That means nothing is open except banks, pharmacies/hospitals, and grocery stores. There is a curfew of no one on the streets 8pm-5am. Literally. The grocery store is crazy. People are crazy. Jobs are crazy. The end. (Cultural is virtual thankfully. What an experience that is. HA)

This is such an odd time to be alive, but I wouldn't want to be anywhere else but here. I miss human contact, and can hardly wait for the day to reunite with my Cultural friends. Until then, kisses from afar.

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