Sunday, March 29, 2020

COVID-19--Meg's Peru version

I have been asked by many, ‘What is COVID-19 like in Peru?’. So, here ya go. We are on our second 15-day government enforced quarantine. This means it is illegal to have anything but banks, grocery stores, and hospitals/pharmacies open. There is a curfew 8pm-5am. When you go on the streets there are a million police officers and military lining the streets. Masks are required in the grocery store, and they take your temperature before entering. Taxis are illegal to bring you to most houses. We have been this way for 2 weeks and have many more to go I am sure. (As well as the states I know!) I have left my house 2 times in 2 weeks to get food with my buddy, Davis. We haven’t had ‘to-go’ food options. We haven’t gotten to ‘social distance’ walk the streets, have bear hunts, or write fun chalk sayings. Everything is virtual (as y’all in the states). Not to say ‘poor us’, but to say that it's no walk in the park. (Of which we can't do-HA!)
Davis and I. Oh the joys of face masks. 
We ran into our buddy, Lourdes!
I have been very confused of how I feel. The media, people, social media; so many things influence it, so I am constantly changing. The ‘old’ me would have crashed-hard-at a time like this. So, the fact I am still just doing my thing- blows my mind. I was telling Jenni how another month virtual is going to be soul crushing. She ‘pointed out’ I said that a month ago about March; that I was not going to be able to handle it. But look, here we are end of the month; I am not hanging on for dear life. Guess all that money we (you) spent on therapy finally paid off, huh dad?
Virtual Spanish class is kinda fun.
A lot of my confusion comes from the fact that the ‘other half’ of me was recently taken away, running. I developed Plantar Fasciitis almost 2 weeks ago, so I have not been able to run (much less walk) the last 2 weeks. When will I be able to? A question I don’t think about. It is a new level of quarantine! I am learning a heckuva lot that could only be learned if this happened. I know God has a plan, so I am at peace with this drastic life change amidst a worldwide pandemic.
Where I spend a lot of my day, teaching.
That’s not to say that I don’t feel the emotions that come with it; it’s to say that I am not ambushed by them. I have felt random sadness over missing my friends stateside, while never wanting to leave my new home in AQP. It’s nice that it is simply sadness, and not depression; Jesus is sure providing. I miss the teachers, my students, going in the streets at this point. I have more anxiety than anyone you know probably. Praise the LORD for modern medicine is all I have to say. I have had moments of enjoying teaching from my bed, getting to ‘sleep in’ a little. I have found joy in things I took for granted. I have been overwhelmed for the brokenness in the world. But mostly, I feel grateful for being in AQP.
Virtual teaching; they keep me on my toes.
Oh my heart.
I feel grateful for the lack of fear foods for such a time as this. I have food aversions here, but there is a stark difference. (Aversions are foods only in Peru, fears are the food in general.)  I feel grateful that when I see french fries and a frosty, my first thought is man that looks good. Or that I don’t even think about pouring all the olive oil or using all the ranch. (Renee’ I know those you understand my pride! Remember my days of measuring, and only buying ‘light’.) I feel grateful that this pandemic isn’t causing a relapse. Eating disorders suck, but good gracious without the struggle, the other side wouldn’t be as sweet.
Buying all the things.
My few days of running .03 miles around a small circle in my apartment complex.
Overall, I am doing better than I ever thought I would. All praise to Jesus for that, and no one else.


  1. Brilliant blog, as ever amiga. Stay safe, stay strong, stay awesome ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. Did I mention I only got to fish for 3 hours today, not the 4 I planned? It's tough here.
