Monday, April 6, 2020

Not even keeping an official count

Well, quarantine week 3 going strong. I feel like I have done nothing, yet so much. My days include either a Spanish class with Pao or session with AnaLu, and then class 350-7. My last class of the day I had last cycle, so let's just say we have a blast together. I miss seeing their faces, hearing their voices, and oh the teachers in the lounge and I making jokes. (Brian and Jose' Luis looking at you especially.)

I usually use my pictures to guide my blogs, but all I have are funny memes and occasional selfies of myself and Scooby.
As seen here.
I see the states is starting to catch on to that people don't care about people in general, and need some guidance in not going out. Whereas over here, we now have specific days to go out based on gender! Police and military literally line the streets questioning you. I am allowed out Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Peru is a pretty smart place. Some American's were stranded in Peru for a few weeks (no flights in, out, around Peru). However, you can apply to be apart of bringing #Americanshome. They did and immediately were appalled at how little the states is doing. Sorry Trump, I will not be coming back to the States. We have less than 2k infected; y'all have over 300k. #truth 
We now wash our hands AND get hand sanitizer before entering the grocery store.
(Along with all the other things that the states is just now realizing needs to happen. Can you tell my bitterness towards the States?)
 I had such an intimate experience Sunday, April 5th. I have been doing church online almost 9 months, so it's nothing new to me. However, for everyone else it's a new experience. Especially then. Why? It was Palm Sunday, so we did communion. All of us; at home; together. So, I had my Inka Cola and a Dorito. (People had pop-tarts and chocolate milk so don't @ me. In front of Jesus representing His body and blood-whatever works.) Anyways, the sermon was about Him being our advocate and the blessings we ALWAYS have. I have access to God's treasures through the Spirit. We are never alone; that one stuck with me. So, we do communion and I am really not one that cries in church, until coming to Peru HA. Anyways, I was so overwhelmed with the Truth that, I might've come over here solo, but I am far from being alone. He is RIGHT here with me. As I learn to sit with myself without running, not having human touch for over 3 weeks; as no one (simply because you are in the States) can understand medicationally the situation all this has put me in. He is here providing for me. He is teaching me oh so much. Praise the Lord for this Inka Cola and Dorito. I didn't think my first communion in Peru would be in the confinements of my bedroom with some soda and a chip, but I wouldn't change a thing.

So, it's going! TBH my happily medicated buddies and I all chuckle that we are the ones that are doing the best. So, to all of you who are experiencing immense anxiety/depression symptoms; I'm sorry. I'm sorry you have to understand what we are talking about. I'm sorry that your brain is rebelling against you. My two cents: give yourself grace; you deserve it. REACH OUT. Remember the world is in a pandemic and this is your (and mine) first time having all of these reactions; first time not having people; not leaving. REACH OUT. Remember this is temporary. REACH OUT. Find joy in the small things. As small as the heat from your coffee cup in your hand; the coldness of a soda. REACH OUT. Help your people help you. (I count for all records.)
Like these people. 9 months too long since I've seen you and my bike, Pom. 
Much love and virtual hugs to my American buddies and kisses to my Peruvians sent from Ave. La Paz. <3 nbsp="" p="">

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