Monday, April 13, 2020

May His presence go before you. And a dog who joined Spanish class.

Day?? Week?? of government enforced quarantine. Still intense as ever. The end.
I have so many things that I have learned, gained, grown in, struggled with, cried over, laughed over, and ultimately worshiped God about; standing in awe of who He is, and still doing.
I love carrying back groceries 1.5 miles (2.5 km).

Pao and I made a new friend one afternoon; he was with us the whole Spanish class.
She said, 'LINDOOOO'. I said: 😐🙅
There is this song that has been all the rage in the Christian music realm: 'The Blessing'. PINELAKE did a cover of it (Listen while you read.) and oh my gracious; I couldn't even. Something #analoowoo tells me all the freaking time is how God is in me, around me, beside me, through me. And...the bridge is exactly that. Jesus being everywhere. He is with you; He is for you. He loves you. He loves me. He loves His creation. I hear about that about 38975987 times a session, and more texts than not surrounding His love. And it seriously began to annoy me. Yikes. But oh my am I so thankful she kept pouring into me God's love for me in my heart. The more I hear it, the more I embrace that Truth internally. What a blessing to have someone speak Truth into you even when you don't want it. What lasting Truth: that God loved the world so much that He gave us Jesus to have communion with Him for eternity.

This quarantine has given me so many things: Spanish homework (I like speaking with Pao. Only her; don't @ me.), spending time with God and His word, more time videoing friends, too much time on social media, more time sitting outside, less time stressing. New perspectives. New appreciation for eating out y'all. (My American friends: I haven't eaten out in over a month with no hope in sight to see it again.) Less plans (which always makes me happy), new realizations of how introverted I really am.
It also initially took one of the most important parts of me: running. I have had plantar fasciitis for almost 4 weeks; I have not run/worked out in almost 4 weeks. I say 'initially' took because through this I have gained more than ever possible without this happening. I am learning how to handle myself without that. Learning that recovery can still happen with or without following the impulse to run. I miss it sometimes, but overall God is blessing me with a peaceful Spirit.
Clearly I was thinking LINDO as well.
Jesus time+tea=every morning.
Easter 2020 was a memorable one; like Easter 2017. (Shout out to Bridget for being my celebrate Jesus being risen while being at treatment buddy! We dyed eggs, made Easter baskets, dressed up for church, and had a 'perfect recovery meal' picnic after. Pretty sure now we'd smash some pizza or Mexican and call it a day. Oh how our recovery journeys have come so far.) Anyways, Easter 2017 was incredibly special in such a blissful way; 2020 was so different. I cried the first 20 minutes of church. Over wishing I was with my friends at Pinelake, with Renee', being able to go and spend time at the Rez. I then did Spanish homework (which I genuinely love), and my bud, Jason, texted me to watch Passion City church, so I logged in. They helped me recenter in that Easter isn't about who I am with; Easter is not about how I feel. Easter is about that Jesus is ALIVE. That Truth astounds me. We serve a RISEN Savior y'all. What beauty. In the happiness and sorrow that Truth remains the same. And that is the most beautiful Truth we can ever have.
And THIS worship video brought me to tears the first 345234 times. Ok it might still sometimes. No shame. (King of Kings Pinelake virtual style.)
My one outing a week-going to Tottus. Note the new accessory-the cute face mask. 
What a time of life y'all. One. In. A. Million. 

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