Friday, April 24, 2020

And the game continues

Well, Peru has two more weeks of government quarantine. I have lost count of how many we have had. Remember American friends. This means: no eating out--yes I am TIRED of making all my food. No going on the streets unless going to the grocery store, bank, or hospital/pharmacy because those are the only things open LOL. No human interaction, no kiss/hug/hand holding with people (I told AnaLu to be prepared when we do reunite I might never let go.). I can get on-board with online teaching if we are being honest though. I like being home. I like being semi-busy but not so crazy like pre COVID-19. I DO miss running. I miss being so tired from a long run it's all I can do to shower, eat, and fall into a nap. I miss jokes with my friends at school. I miss 'pizza Sunday'. But alas, one day it'll be there waiting for me.

When I leave my house this is my look: 'cute' shorts, mask, headphones.
Here is a funny for you. If you have spent any time with me at all, you know I am probably one of the loudest people you have met. Pao and I were in class and a guy sweetly comes up and tells me he can hear me in his apartment and asked me to talk quieter. 😂😂😂 I simply said oh I am so sorry, of course! Pao goes, Megannnn are you ok?? I said, yeah, why? She said, if someone said that to me I would be stressed out and nervous to talk at all! I laughed and said girl this is my entire life--you get used to it lol

A lot of people always ask me how Spanish is going. Well, let's say this. I CAN read the text below. However, the text says she cannot read my Spanish homework. 😂 Ya win some, ya lose some. However, I think I say this every blog, but it amazes me the more time goes on that she never loses her cool/shows annoyance. (Pao, if you are annoyed after class--I would be too if I was my teacher LOL)

One thing I have been talking with AnaLu about is--are habitual sins 'too far' in relation for God's grace. I have been reading His Word, listening to sermons, reading commentary, praying for His voice. And-wow. I gained that I am not forgiven based off my performance, but on Christ's. That habitual sins are not 'more serious', but simply 'serious'. All sin is deserving of eternal separation from God. And praise the Lord that I am covered with the blood of Jesus--forever. He will never--never let me go. That there is a difference between only apologizing for sin, but naming it, repenting of it, and telling God you don't want to engage in said sin again--and meaning it. Having faith that He can help you with all things and that you are not helpless!
Thanks to my Peruvian sister in Jesus that I have never met but love keeping up with for the post! <3 nbsp="" td="">
Oh. Classes are great. We have a blast. I look forward to talking to them. 
Another week. Kisses to my Peruvian friends. Can't wait to reunite.

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