Tuesday, January 22, 2013

BLT with Laura, B.A. major; what a lifestyle only with Him!

Well-it's been over a week of training for a TRIATHLON with my wonderful friend, and little, Laura on June 29th in Tupelo, MS.  We decided to call ourselves the 'BLT'= big little triathlon.  So we are varying our days between swimming (our weakest), running, and biking.  The tri consists of a 1/2 mile swim, 20 mile biking, and a 5k run.  So overall it will be almost 25 miles of distance.  I am PUMPED, and SORE.  I decided to track each week's success on my blog!
swim:  1/4 a mile
run:  4 miles run/walk (.70 run span multiple times)
biking:  spin class which is 15-20 miles estimated

Right now I pretty much feel like I am having a mini-death match with myself with I get to the end of each work-out.  However I literally just am praying to the Lord for this to be used for His glory.  In case you didn't get the memo-I don't look like a tri girl-however at this point in my life with Jesus-I should not be surprised by it because through Him I can overcome anything.  Including swimming 1/2 a mile!
Laura, one of my littles, and my Tri partner!
On another note:  I am officially a B.A. music major with a TESOL minor, and Chinese as my language.  I will take Cross-Cultural Understanding this semester, and start my TESOL and Chinese classes in the fall.  I am dropping education after a LONG process of teary nights and constant prayer over it all.  Culminating to talking to Meaders about it and him agreeing it was a great choice instead of a B.M. Edu.; at that moment I just decided that is what I will do.  I wish I could say I have some great peace about it all-however I don't.  However on the other hand I see it as I see my double major-I tried, and I realized it wasn't for me; same for education in general.  Now I get to do the B. A., and it's essentially a 'create-your-own-music-degree', and it's wonderful!  I get to take the concept of my double major-of encompassing trumpet and voice, into a major-which is what I wanted from day one!  So I am excited to do it, and to start learning things I will actually use!

I am a part of a few bible studies and I am so excited to see what I will get out of them.  I am dong one on my floor about 'Romans', and just getting to learn amongst the freshman shall be glorious, then I am discipling Ashleigh and we are reading a book called 'Not A Fan' and I haven't read it so I am eager to learn and be convicted from it, and finally I am also doing one with my freshman friend group.  I am excited to share Jesus and be Jesus with them and share my life with them and hear their life, more.  My 'quiet times' are starting to be instead of simply reading the bible, doing stuff for all 3 of those things, and just seeing what the Lord wants me to get out of them all.  I know I am supposed to be doing all of them and don't plan to drop any of them; I can hardly wait to see how they will all collide in His glorious plan.


  1. Megs,
    So excited about your choices you have made. I can't wait to see you & your little at the finish line! ��

  2. So much agreement on my end. I'm so glad God is working it out for our good when we don't see or understand it. I love you and am more than ready to come back to your room for future meltdowns. :)
