Friday, February 15, 2013

mardi gras, mommy's, and music-oh my!

Yesterday was such a crazy day I could hardly wait to share it!
I was in Cross-Cultural class while my friend from G-port, Meredith-who has 2 kids that I babysat in G-port.  She called me and I texted her back and asked if she needed a babysitter.  She said yes, however Kaleigh was sick at school with a 101 fever and her nor Peter could leave work, so, knowing her slim chances called me.  Well-Thursday's are my easy day-so I reluctantly left class and drove to Madison, got Kaleigh, and make our way to Kroger.  Picked out anything she wanted, and went home.  Hung out, watched movies, ate lunch, and Meredith called and asked me to take her to the doctor.  So-off Kaleigh and I went.  She was complaining about her ears and head.  The doctor sits her down-opens her mouth, and said she has strep.  So they test her, and yes-she did indeed.  So-we sadly give Kaleigh a shot as she flipped out, and back to the house we went to watch more movies and eat popcorn and marshmallows until mommy came home.  What.  A.  Day.
a 4-year old's logic of picking out a day's snackage
So-that was how I spent my Valentine's day.  Doing what I love most.  Being a mom in a home.  I can hardly wait for the day I have my own little home overseas, and Lord willing have kids, oh yea, and a husband.  I so badly desire that for my life.  However-Jesus might have bigger plans.  I don't know if I am destined to get married and what not, sometimes I feel I missed that train of life.  But-who knows, I'm glad Jesus does!

I also went to Mardi Gras last weekend.  It.  Was.  Awesome.  It is so much more than a drunkard party (though we watched it happen).  It was a great weekend of bonding with Michelle, Andrew, Maleesa, and I with my Aunt, Uncle, and Cousin.  I am so glad I was raised with this holiday and no matter where I am-I will indeed celebrate! It's definitely my favorite!
so we had a party on the street- "what happens at Mardi Gras-stays at Mardi Gras."

the group of us-photo credit to my uncle!

my little got tired on the way to another parade!

Lastly, this crazy piece that has defined my life is coming to an end-rapidly.  I have 6 measures left to learn, and hopefully it will happen this week.  It is 5 pages, which is the longest I have done, and it is a piece apparently piano performance major's are playing in college-FYI I have played piano a year and a half.  So-needless to say it has kicked my butt!  However-it has been incredible to watch myself grow with it over the past few months.  When I finish it I plan to post a video of me playing it.
Cups coffee to accompany a great piece of music.

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