Sunday, September 1, 2013

A day in the life y'all...

Whoever created the phrase 'Senior year don't care', obviously didn't go to college, because this girl NEEDS to care senior year.
First day pic. with my Chinese/TESOL bud.
RA training ended, and school has started, and a whirlwind of actions have taken place.
I can now write some Chinese characters, which is crazy since I've been to class twice.
ALL of my classes require reading, which might not be a big deal, however I have yet to have this much reading to do in a semester, so that is a bit challenging, but slightly fun (and long).
Chinese homework y'all.  It's the life.
The biggest thing in life so far is that as of Wednesday (tomorrow) I shall hit 12 weeks-3 months of hard-core loosing weight.  I did not cheat one time; which is a testament to the Lord Himself.  Let me say that one again, without the Lord NONE of this is would even be possible.  I have learned what strength from Him alone looks like, what self-control to the Nth degree encompasses, and how to have endurance to persevere.  I'd be lying if I didn't have a plethora of moments of weakness, desiring to cheat, or not work-out, however He is incredibly faithful to provide various outlets at the right moment.
typical shopping list.  exciting life.
However, because of the way my body has been acting, it is time to stop.  It officially became an obsession. For over a week I cried a thousand times a day, lived from cup of coffee to cup-drinking multiple cups of coffee 4-5 times a day, and was still exhausted before 10 pm.  I say all of that to simply provide to you that I am broken.  I do not have life put together.  I struggle-a lot.  And thank you pride, I wanted to make it to fall break to prove to the world I could.  To make it to 120 as fast as possible.  However, thank you to the unsuspected friend, Steph, to come along my path and speak truth to me.  To tell me not only is it ok to stop early, but that it's time.  So, Wednesday at 12 I will be consuming a delish sandwich and some type of yummy treat from cups after as my first 1-on-1 with Jules.  I have never been so thrilled for one moment in my life.  First off, I love 1-on-1's, and the fact it's the first time I'll have my fav. sandwich is splendid.
12 weeks-45 lbs. later :) 
With all of that I am still vigorously training for the Bourbon Chase in mid-October, and other races coming up.  I have not enjoyed running the past week because I have not had enough energy to run, so I am excited to incorporate real food into my diet to have ample energy/carbs to make it longer!  I can run 6 miles right now, and can't wait to increase more.  I love seeing the Lord use my body in ways I didn't even know I could be used.  I can't wait to run this race and see what it looks like to run Kentucky hills too!

So my life schedule as of now:

Bring.  It.  On.  I wouldn't want it any other way.

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