Saturday, November 16, 2013

find faith, family, and future?

Well-it's been close to 2 months since I have blogged, and I don't even know where to begin. I am not sure if I even attempt to fit the past 2 months into a blog, or just rant about life in general. I honestly don't even know where I would begin. I slightly would like to be that typical fake MC girl and talk all about the perfect senior year, and how I am finishing finding my faith, family, and future...letsbehonest. Like that will happen. Let's chat.

Find faith: This is the hardest semester in college hands down, and it's all because of Jesus (commence singing the song *it's all because of Jesus I'm alive*). I have NOT spent time in His word-and...quite frankly I still am not. It's not that I haven't found my faith, but it's that I have created my own 'MC' version of 'find faith'. If it means to have random Jesus talks with people, tell you about my awesome Jesus tat's, talk about the bible once a week, and be in a leadership role where I sometimes pray, then I am doing a fabulous job. However-I feel that is not what MC meant when it said 'find faith'. Pretty sure they mean that they want you to see Jesus, and then KEEP GOING with it. I mean- I got the Jesus part. I can lead us all in the sinner's prayer. (hallelujah!) However, ask me what Jesus has been teaching me this week, and you got yourself a speechless Meg. So. I am calling myself out not happily or humbly to be honest, because I absolutely hate it. I am the epitome of Romans 7:15 where Paul is like..stupid self, I don't want this, but I do, but obviously not because I am not..and just this inward battle. It's great; it sucks.

Find family: This is the hardest semester in college hands down, and it's all because of family. Although I have the best family in the ENTIRE world, and I genuinely mean that; I wouldn't trade how I grew up for the world; I wouldn't be who I am without it. However, no matter what divorce sucks, shallow relationships suck, new people are hard to get used to, and being 180 miles from home makes it super grand. You would figure by senior year life would have figured itself out, however it seems to only get more interesting. It goes back to find faith; Jesus just needs to be at the center. Amen. However to be completely cliche' for a moment, I would like to take a few sentences to say how I am finishing accomplishing this one specifically for MC. I have found my wonderful family that will be there for me 'til the end: Kissimee Social Tribe. They are imperfect in every way. Yes-imperfect. We realize how screwed up we are, and we love past it-and it's wonderful.

Find future: This is the hardest semester in college hands down, and it's all because of my degree. (noticing a pattern here?) I will graduate (LORD WILLING) with a B.A. of music with a vocal emphasis, and a minor in TESOL and Chinese. Essentially, I took a bunch of music classes, am learning a language, and am figuring out how to handle L2 learners. What does that mean for me? It means that I think it would be pretty stellar to move overseas-preferably China-and teach some English, and do life with them. When will this be happening? Oh you know-this time next year I'll be over studying abroad about to graduate, and then start 'real life'. NBD. It goes back to find faith; Jesus needs to be at the center and I probably would be more chill with it all.

So-moral of the story. When Jesus isn't at the center-everything else seems to be pretty screwy. Just to specify-I am madly in love with my senior year and would never trade it for the world, however there are more things to blog about than the typical great informal, how I love my friends or awesome races you read on facebook, or the great message at Pinelake. So. There is my grand attempt at describing life. Find faith, find family, and find future. I got a month plus a semester to accomplish them all; let's do this, except without throwing the MC Jesus card around as much as we do the, 'SHE DOESN'T EVEN GO HERE!'. The end. Amen.

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