Thursday, September 12, 2019

Laughing for days

I have had such a wonderful last week!
I had the pleasure to run a half-marathon--21k last weekend! Just around the city-myself. It was such a blessing to my life. I love getting to feel empowered enough to run so far. I can´t wait for all the miles ahead of me.

I accomplished something pretty big in my life. So, eating disorder wise I don´t have really ´fear foods´ left. Until I realized one. Frappuccinos. My good buddy, Karina, and I were out and about and she saw a 2 for 1 deal and exclaimed oh let´s go! And proceeded to walk towards the coffee shop. I was stunned. If she would´ve said ice cream, cake, muffins--anything else; I would´ve not thought twice. But for some reason that frappuccino freaked me the heck out. So what did I do? Follow her there, paid my half, and drank the dang thing. And let me say--it was freaking amazing! The last time I had a frap was 2014. It was so fun to just-do it. I can´t wait for another!

I mentioned last blog I am in a bible reading challenge with my Bible buddies, with Hannah Brencher being the leader. And gosh it is so filling. I ended up reading through the Gospel of Mark twice in the week. We are now on Matthew and it is 12 chapters more, so 1 time is my goal haha.
I got to see in Mark some new parts of Jesus I forget about. For one, He took time for Himself. It repeats that Jesus would go alone and pray, or go by Himself with just the inner 3 to refill. He realized that in order to fill others He Himself had to be filled. And He is like-the Savior of the world yáll. So if He realized His need for it-then I guess that means we all should see how vital it is in our lives. Another thing is Mark mentions TWICE how all food is acceptable, and doesn´t define us. I laughed out loud both times. It is so interesting to me because that means people back then had some form of disordered eating to be addressed also. Eating disorders are because of the fall, just like every other sickness and illness. I can have all things-including frappuccino´s-without definition of who I am as a person.
This is my life. Scooby and I take on the world together.
I have not mentioned a bright spot of my every day at school: lunch club. It is a group of about 6 ladies, and oh my lordie do we have a blast. We talk about everything under the sun! I have turned so red so many times. I have laughed so hard in that room. I have talked and learned. They think I am funny but really, unbeknownst to them, their lighthearted company saved me when I was crashing a few weeks ago. They have welcomed me into their ´club´ with open arms, and I am immensely thankful for that. I know most of them will read it so--thanks guys! Love yáll!!

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