Saturday, September 21, 2019

Uneventful weeks happen, but still they are good.

It´s been an uneventful week. I mean-minor things, but overall just living life over here in South America. One thing that has not gotten easier is my lack of ability to function on my own in society. I need help communicating at the post office, or at the bank, or trying to pay my cell phone bill (thanks to Carolina for coming in clutch saving the day for that one.) So that is a bit frustrating at times, but I have the best friends in the world here to go over and beyond to make sure I still get everything done and am in the loop.
Bible reading challenge week 2: Matthew is the most descriptive gospel-which is why it is the most popular. It was so fun to of had the shortest Gospel followed by the longest. I got to see the story overviews Mark gave, expounded by Matthew.
One thing that stood out to me was when Jesus went to pray in the garden of Gethsemane, some scholars claim He was sweating blood because of the intensity of what was to come. He prayed that God would take away His cup of suffering that was about to come, but it didn't end there. He said 'but not My will but Your will be done.' And...I don't think I could do that. I guess that's why He was chosen to be the Savior of the world, and not I. But- I can't imagine that closeness with God our Father. To be able to say--it would be great if x didn´t have to happen, but if so, still I will follow You.
Another thing is that Judas hung himself before Jesus was even on the cross. He understood what he had done-Jesus was headed to the cross to be killed because of his helping the leading priests and elders. 2019 years later, suicide is still a worldwide struggle. It's something that is close to my heart, and is a thought process I would never wish upon anyone.
I am finishing Luke this weekend and will continue the bible reading challenge update next blog!
Ran into South American Mickey Mouse!!!
In other news I keep setting new run goals. I told myself coming here ´I wont go over 10k´. Ok did that. Then I said ´ok I won´t go over 15k´. Welp, I hit 21k and told myself that is it. Well, last weekend I ran 24k (15 miles). So, I have given up all hope of not long running ha! But, I enjoy it, so, why not. I am learning Peruvians typically do not run long, so I have not found a long run buddy. I mean, I have a gym buddy now (yay Paolo!), but no longish run buddy--yet (or short run for that matter). Best wishes to me for finding a long run bud.
Ice cream Friday´s with some people from lunch club!
So, overall it is going great! Still waiting on my work visa. I feel pretty pointless currently because I don´t do much because I am not allowed to, but I am trying to make the most out of it. I am ready to have my own classrooms, and get paid. I am terrified don´t get me wrong, but the longer I wait, the more build up it is. So, I am praying this thing comes through soon!

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