Sunday, January 26, 2020

Quality over quantity this week.

Well, I made it past the 3 week mark with Pao (Spanish teacher), so I guess we can already claim this week as a win because I have fallen in love with learning Spanish! The Lord is so good, y'all. I got here and was so opposed to learning Spanish. I had no idea why, but I understand why now. Because if I had pursued it 6 months ago I wouldn't of gotten to work with Pao, and MAN is it fun. (Sorry again about falling asleep Friday..) I can't believe I look forward to school. Who am I? I wrote a 4 page essay in my journal so that was pretty empowering. Even with so many mistakes, it's cool to see how much I have learned.
New outfit I forgot to show off! <3 td="">
Church was so good Sunday, as always. I always wonder what it's like to live in a non-anxiety, non-eating disorder, non-mood disorder head. Chip was talking about the whole Paul having a thorn in his side to keep him humble. And I was like LOL God- YES. He made a joke about the game 'would you rather' and asked one. 'Would you rather have no pain but no presence and power of God, OR experience pain but have the presence and power of God.' And..I had a moment of questioning. Like, MAN that would be nice to just be a stable person. And then God was like, Meg. Without your journey you wouldn't be NEAR as close to me and seen parts of me few people get to experience. I was like-you right God. So, life will happen. Pain will come, but God's power and presence will be with me, and will draw me near to Him and keep me humble while loving me all the way through.
Paul goes on to say basically he stopped asking God to remove the thorn from his flesh, because he shifted his focus from WHAT is wrong, to WHO is right. I am not sure I'll ever have that kind of faith, but that sure is a #goals. Not to rejoice at the pain, but the outcome of it. 
So, I run on this highway and I ALWAYS see another runner on it, and it is so fun.
So, that is pretty much it. I run, teach, learn Spanish, see AnaLu (she is gone for 2 weeks so no enlightening therapy paragraph), eat, and sleep. 
But, I love my life here endlessly. I might not be doing perfect, but I am happy, and loving seeing Christ be magnified in me. 

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