Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The impossible is only impossible for those who view it as that.

"Everyone has three choices in life:  give up, give in, or give it your all."
This is basically the theme of my summer.  I have been training for my first triathlon for a long time now.  It's been fun.  It's also been incredibly hard.  There has been blood, sweat, and tears all experienced on the road (and bike grease!)  Expect the impossible y'all.
You and I have a God who is on our side who completes the impossible within us.  More than anything I want my life to be an encouragement to anyone who wants to do something crazy.  Live a little.  Put some determination into it.  The impossible is only impossible for those who view it as that. (that's a free-be from yours truly.)
Take the risk.  All these people did, and succeeded!
So this weekend I went to Baton Rouge to tri it up at rocketchix and met my future roomie, Ashleigh, down there because she was my cheerleader and we hung out and got to the race site a little after 530 am.

I was all ready before the sun was up y'all!
   After momentary fear of storms screwing it all up, I got all ready in my 'swim gear' (AKA:  sports bra and swim bottoms) and off I went!  After waiting my turn for a while, I swam the .2 in a little over 9 minutes, and off to bike 12 miles I went!
Getting my swim on.  Oh yea.
The first 6 miles were upwind and kinda hard, so the people who were on their 'second lap' (AKA:  we turned around after 6 miles) were SO encouraging to us on our 'first lap', so then after I got half way it was fun to do the same for the people behind me, and we were down wind-praise-finished in 54 minutes.  At around mile 10 or so I started to get SUPER hungry-so my 'cookies' at the finish line were DELISH!
Transition.  In the zone.

Then off to the run, of which was not that bad, considering-finished in a little over 18 minutes.  A lot of women walked some of it-but despite my tiredness, I could not justify it within myself because I was exhausted.  I am so thankful I decided to suck it up and run the dang thing.

Crossing the finish line:  best feeling I have legitimately ever felt in my life thus far.  Then to find out I beat the time I would be pleased with by 17 minutes was one of the single best moments also.  I have never been so compelled to just cry from a sheer overwhelming feeling but I was holding back tears, and had a minor failing at that one.  Incredibly in awe of what God just did with my body for and hour and 28 minutes.  Overwhelmed that I have been waiting for that moment since Christmas break and it was everything and more of my expectations.
Before the tri.  Us looking nice and awake, and dry...
After the tri.  Much more awake and refreshed.
As my first triathlon is behind me, a new race has appeared: The Bourbon Chase.  Go check it out.
200 miles.
12 runners.
2 vans of us.
15.6 miles for me (each person has a different set of legs=mine are #6 of 12 in difficulty)
The state of Kentucky at our finger tips racing against hundreds of other vans like us.
All with one heart.
I'm incredibly pumped to do this with my new tri friend Lisa and see Kentucky at the same time!
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared out of my freaking mind also, but I can't wait to see what my running looks like in October as compared to July.  Here goes something!

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