Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Find Safety in Transcendence

Well-I feel like I am getting the hang of this stuff.
So here's the thought process of the last almost 8 weeks:
'Good morning self' 'Go run (on allowed days)!' 'Do homework and read and preface the emotional standing of the day.' 'Go to group and be elated to be amongst the people who are saving their lives alongside you.' 'Talk about all the things and feel all the feels you didn't know were there.' 'Go eat lunch and shallowly socialize and be thrilled to do so.' 'Repeat with the next therapist and don't forget helping other's process their lives!' 'Transfer the mindset to go to work and help people.' 'Pack for the next day, revise homework.'  'Sleep.'

I love it; it's how my life is being saved one day at a time.  Whatever it takes to continue recovery I am first in line.  Doing all the things; lacking all the miles; journaling 328749437 moments; confronting all life has to offer.

I am still being blown away by ever-changing definition of community.  I went to see Peter ROCK his music in church and the sermon was 'assaulting afflictions with anchored friendships'.  It was truly amazing to listen and be in the mindset of thankfulness for the afflictions I am facing because of being surrounded with anchored people who chose and are choosing to stay.  Why?  Because I love every single day, despite the emotional hardships we as a group encounter.  Because in the end our lives are being saved day by day; by ourselves, each other, and our systems outside of the walls of Three Oaks. 
I really hope to craft this in the next month. ILOVEIT!
There are so many words, feelings, thoughts, expressions I have for the word 'recovery',  but for now I am being blown away by, ' Find safety in transcendence when there's nowhere else to hide'.  I saw it in a Dallas Clayton creation and haven't stopped thinking about it.  Transcendence is defined as: 'existence or experience beyond the normal or physical level.'  I started researching various ways to look at transcendence and came across this blog and liked it.  So, in laymen's terms, it's a spiritual awakening; 'find safety in spiritual awakening'.  This is pretty stellar timing for what we are learning; God is actually a big part of all of it, and for me personally, Christ.  I can find my safety in Him because HE is safe.  There's no hiding with Him because He already knows it all so take heart dear friends; He is Constant and He is Safety when all else seems chaotic.  Thanks Dallas Clayton!

Right now I am knee deep in a 'sugar detox'.  I successfully went to a fabulous wedding (CONGRATS COREY AND STACEY!) and avoided the delicious looking cakes.  WIN.  I can't say I desire it any less, but I will say that fruit is slowly tasting sweeter so that's cool I guess.  I think I'm gonna do it for 6 weeks- maybe 8- verses the usual month because when I go back to 'processed sugar' I want to 'need' less of it.

Almost 1 month in; almost half way.

So.  Here we are.  My self created and Three Oaks created 'to-do' list is being checked off slowly but surely, and the light at the beginning (not the end) of the tunnel for life outside of Three Oaks is coming closer and closer week-by-week. 

Still there.  Still learning.  Still loving.  Still seeking. 

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