Sunday, August 19, 2012

Round 3-let's do this!

Well the freshman have moved into New Women's East.  Our quiet little dorm with semi-creepy eerieness at midnight is now a loud rambunctous sanctuary for a new chapter of life.  Went to bed past midnight and woke up at 630; makes me think of my 'normal' routine from now on.  We saw each beautiful girl that will live within our vacinity and helped them get semi-ok with where they are.  It is referred to as 'the super bowl for Rez Life'; I could not agree more.  After a few hours of sitting and explaining the inventory or doing the computer I was feeling oh so drained and just cried out to God for His joy to be my strength.  So a little bit after I decided to go walk my hall and individually meet my girls; it was just what I needed!  The Lord uses such practical things to accomplish His purposes sometimes.  We also had 'late night mission' where we just worship the Lord on the roof and have a few girls share their heart.  It was a wonderful time of worship with my new found sisters in Christ.  I am anxious to get to know their hearts and to share mine.

Chelsey, Em, and I at check-in!

Also we had our RA commissioning service the night before move-in. It was SUCH a beautiful picture of what Christ's body looks like. People were sitting, standing, praying, singing, crying, laughing; all in the name of the Lord. Then each staff took a turn praying for a staff and then being prayed for. Chrestman (our brother dorm) prayed over us and it was one of THE coolest 'spiritual' experience of my life. Just getting to be physically close with my staff and then the guys laying hands and pouring over us; it was bliss. 
However before that I just had a moment at dinner where I just felt Satan attacking my thoughts about honestly-judging other people.  Now usually when that happened before I went to Ottawa-C!C I would never say anything about Satan doing it or demanding Him to leave my mind.  However Carrie would just sometimes tell Satan to get behind her and I really respected that; she realized how REAL spiritual warfare really is.  So without even thinking I physically just pleaded for Satan to leave my mind; though it was semi-awkward after it was a cool moment within to see the war b/w flesh and spirit.

Now all my friends are here at school and there are so many things I yearn to do different comparing to last year b/w RA world and friend world.  For one, I would like to keep the close friends I do have, and not strain the relationships b/w them because of my hall.  However with that I desire to get to know the girls that I don't have as much in common with in the beginning.  If you are reading this, you know I am not girly or sporty.  I have a bit of those girls so I hope to get into their lives quicker because I would love to just know their hearts.  As well as the girls more 'like me'...whatever that means; I desire to know them just as well.  So with that it is ALL about time management.  Which I do think I do a good job on because of my life state and major.  The Lord has blessed me to not procrastinate, though I have my own set of struggles; that is not one.  So it is more about BALANCING my friend group vs. my kids; I know it will go better becasuse I plan to be proactive about it.  So that is something I am striving and praying to do differently.

Now it is time for welcome week with the kiddos, and the first set of classes for all. 
Round 3 of school, round 2 of being in music, and round 1 for double music education-let's do this!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Another good blog. Your sentence structure is getting better and better!
