Monday, August 6, 2012

Running towards the cheese-part two

Well here we are again.
Me with my last iced capp from Timmy's!  It will be missed!

I am 'running towards the cheese' yet again.  I am in Ottawa airport delayed an hour.  Thus my other connection got changed so I am not getting back til 4 when I was supposed to at 12.  Lunch will not be with my best friends and dad and grandma; instead it will be in dang Charlotte, NC.  (I am praying for a chic-fil-a!)

I am tired and emotional; the airport is cold (though I should NOT complain) but I don't have a jacket; I am already tired of waiting; I am ready to just GET to NO.  But no.  I feel like this is my reminder AGAIN to just WAIT; to pause; to have ample time to debrief myself of what the heck I just did the past 2 months of my life.  Instead of rushing from one plane to another I have more than enough time to just meditate and really ponder the question I will be asked a thousand times, "How was Canada?" , and have a fulfilling answer that ultimately brings the glory to Him and not I.  So I am trying to have a joyful and thankful heart about all of this; I know He'll provide it.

I was walking with J to the terminal (in tears-I'm telling you emotional day all before the sun came up! On that note it was really awkward to walk through security/customs teary-eyed-UGH!)  anyways and I just stated I could hardly believe I just spent my summer in OTTAWA.  Y'all this is something I would have never said I would do but the Lord's plans are SO much bigger than my own.
I had the best 'see ya laters' a girl could ask for and Amy made this mega-cute scrapbook thing of the C1C family writing/praying for me.  And Caitlin made me this cute 'scrapjournal' of things for me to answer/journal so I can remember each aspect of my trip.  I will cherish them both forever.
I can hardly wait to scrapbook in them both and create my memorabilia of C!C 2012.

Though I know the Lord will move my heart back to MS-a part of it will forever be within this family for sure.  How can this NOT steal your heart away!?

Ok Lord willing (which I have watched change before my eyes) the next time I blog I will be in the MC bubble writing my pondering of transitioning back to 'normal' life.


  1. It was great having you girl. And you are always welcome to our house!

  2. For the record-it was SUCH a blessing surprise that at the last second I got to RUN to the early flight and be back at noon :)

  3. Meg, I'm all teary just reading this. I like that God has this weird way of putting us through similar things at similar times sometimes so we can relate to each other and in turn encourage each other and glorify Him. So much of what you said rings so true with me... Can't wait to converse more about it and probably cry a little. Get ready.
