Saturday, October 20, 2012

I can't wait list for Ottawa!


Summer Ottawa; I can't wait to have a reoccurring pictures of  Winter Ottawa!
I bought my plane ticket to go to Ottawa for a week this Christmas!!  I can hardly believe in less than 2 months I will get back on a place and go back to where I spent the best 2 months of my life.  I think I am more excited to go this time because I know what to expect.  I know how amazing everyone is; I am not nervous to be accepted or nervous of whether or not the family I will live with will like me.  I already know that the people are simply like none other and my family is spectacular.  I can hardly wait to see Lillie, Caleb, and Hannah again; to speak to Lillie and hear her words, see Caleb go to school and read him wonderful children's books, and see Hannah run around the house.  So many new things in their life that it is stunning.  I can't wait to see Carrie and J.  I lived with them; meaning I saw all aspects of life in a 2 month span which was thrilling.  I can't wait to ride the OC transpo (ok maybe that part isn't exactly rainbows and unicorns) but to get to go see my friends up there; to ride it to go to !group.  I can't wait to say 'eh?' and my o's like a northerner.  I genuinely still think 'eh' on a daily basis and sometimes my o's come out.  I can't wait to have Timmy's!!

 I oddly enough can't wait to not have my phone for 8 days.  To not have it as a distraction while socializing with friends.  It's weird because while I was there all I could talk about were my best friends, major, KT, and job and how awesome they all are.  Now being back in it all, all I can think about is how amazing my !groups were, and how I loved the kids and families up at C!C.  So I can't wait to go back and get to re-experience my life in Ottawa that I so loved for 2 months.  I can't wait to have a crazy dance party with my family.  I can't wait to go back to !group for a week and hear J preach again.

The fact we get to have this picture become reality is shocking!
I can't wait to do so many things everyone told me is really fun to do in the winter but no one thought I would ever get the opportunity to; I do now! My favorite I have heard is to get to ICE SKATE ON THE CANAL!  As in-a real body of water.  That it being so cold it's hard enough to have a business of ice skating; simply ridiculous to my southern roots.  To get to have beavertail or hot chocolate while chilling (literally haha) on the canal. I also can't wait to get to have awesome home cookin' from mama's up there who KNOW their kitchen.  As weird as it is I can't wait to help Carrie around the house.  I simply loved getting to live in a going household and being a part of it all.  I can't wait to experience true cold weather.  Though I have being in East Asia last Christmas; I know Ottawa will be vastly different since it's on the same continent and there will be snow!   I can't wait to sleep in a house with 3 kids and wake up to snow and just throw on some clothes and play outside and throw them around.  With that; I can't wait to see 3 kids under 5 in INTENSE snow clothes (I'm laughing thinking about ALL of the C!C kids in their coats probably bigger than mine!

You are the God of this a summer sunset and a winter wonderland.
I had a dream that I was back up there with my C!C friends and family and we were ice skating on the canal and it was just pure bliss.  I can't wait to see that dream become reality.
I feel an ice skating party coming on! (the picture on my computer messed up)
OK I think I said 'I can't wait...' about 56464653 times-but hey-I warned you :)

1 comment:

  1. Meg. I'm crying right now... how beautiful! I am so happy for you!
