Thursday, October 25, 2012

Heart Ramblings

I think my heart has a really hard time of letting go of people; of life experiences.  I love doing, and meeting, but ultimately I am a relationship person.  These 'short' mission trips are truly not for me.  Why?  Because I will go to any extent to simply get to see people I shared life with again.  My friend Liv that I went to East Asia with last Christmas and I are going to drive 9 hours to see some wonderful people of the Lord we met over in those parts.  I am simply dying to see their faces, give them a huge hug (you know certain people give awesome hugs-ok this lady is one of those!), and see their beautiful children.  Also in less than 2 months I will get on a plane to see some other people I shared almost 3 times as much life with this summer.  I notice most people don't really do things this crazy and it really makes me question myself; but then I just always am ok with it, get in the car, buy the ticket, and just go with it!  I am SO pumped for this trip to TX with Olivia my CIC room mate and dear friend, and can't wait to see what comes of it (maybe a spur of the moment trip across the ocean :D)
We don't take many pictures; but here is us in our room!
This week at KT meeting our entire tribe was for sure revolutionized.  I will spare details only because I feel it is crossing a line from blog world conversation, to face conversation.  (Rant:  as much as I like blogging I still desire face conversations-this is one of those)  So anyways this alumni came to our meeting to do our devotional, and I can safely say NO ONE in that room was prepared for what she was going to share with us.  It was simply astonishing how one girls sins, can turn into such God-given words of amazing.  I feel much closer to my sisters and I didn't even say anything!  Our new phrase is #runlikehell and it's basically the best thing to say at a time like this.  It's also cool because I just love my friends at MC.  I don't really have a 'circle' of friends, but rather a friend or two from multiple circles to create the best friends I could ever ask for.

Ok one more rambling.  I am ready to get out of college and just GO.  I have so many crazy plans of what I want to do after school it's genuinely hard for me to have my whole heart here in Clinton all the time.  Especially since I don't know when my next mission trip is.  Thanks Music Edu. for having so many dang classes I have to take not one but TWO full summer's of classes.  I know that Clinton and Jackson needs Jesus just as much as Africa or East Asia, but I am perfectly content with going to spend a year in Africa or some crazy country and being ecstatic for the experience.  Instead I am going to go to Passion and give money for other people to go.  Is it selfish of me to yearn to be the one going?  Oh well-it's true.

So overall life is great.  I am ready for the adrenaline rush moments that are coming up!

1 comment:

  1. so many AMENs running through my head. wholeheartedly agree with all of that!
