Wednesday, November 7, 2012

I'm doing good with pictures with my stories here!

It's been a while blog world.  So here is my life the past 2 weeks!  
We had Shawreth Informal and it was blissfully perfect.  Kirk drove me and another dance informal couple.  He opened the car door, he pulled out my chair, we had fun dancing, we took pictures, we talked; it was awesome.  This whole 'date'  thing is super new to my life so it was a fun new experience!
KT sisters at Shawreth Informal
December 14 is a BIG day for us both!! :) 
My poor fish, Leviathan  might be on the tail end of life here :(  He has some weird disease that is in his chest and could die in a week, or two months.  That fish is reaching the 3rd year of college and I really wanted him to be with me for all of my MC year's-but I guess there will be a Leviathan part 2 eventually.
Poor Leviathan with his chest thing!s 
So I pondered not sharing but it's too....well i have a weird sense of humor..but it's hilarious.  I decided the world is against me going to Texas Thursday-  However I WILL be victorious Lord willing and I mean that one a whole lot literally now!
I spent 3 hours in the health clinic Monday making sure I didn't have pnuemonia-they thought I did..but it's not..after a chest x-ray and taking blood from my LEFT arm (dominant-that is important).  It's like some awkward in-between.  But my mindset is that I am getting better fast and I must say that it is kind-of working!
So Monday night we had KT big sis little sis reveal (more on that later).  We went to a gymnastic place.  First I slice my finger open with a can opener.  THEN..this is the fun part.  I tore a muscle in my LEFT arm or something.  Disabling some motions of my arm.  I tried a back-hand spring-well I succeeded at 2 and then apparently the 3rd one is NOT the charm.  So Tuesday I went BACK to the healthplex (I said I was becoming a regular) and they said it wasn't broken-but they are pretty sure it isn't fractured-but that I tore a tendon or muscle or something like that.  So I have a sling and ice and all to make it better soon.
Tuesday after going to the Healthplex and being high basically on drugs because I took sleep meds during the day-I got my eyebrow pierced.  Yes-I made a weird collegiate decision and decided to #YOLO! :)
me and my new piercing!
Thank you Lord for EACH of these beautiful girls in my family tree.
Now-Monday night was KT big sis-little sis reveal!  We welcomed 4 new beautiful grand-babies into our family and we had a BALL Monday night!  We went to a gymnastics place and had a GRAND time getting to know each other!  I love them oh so much.

Tuesday before going back to the Healthplex-my dear floor partner needed to vote-because I had voted during fall break.  So we went to vote and it was a momentous occasion that we needed a picture. (then we went and found out she had pink eye!!)
The people taking the picture thought it was sweet of how excited we were!

1 comment:

  1. You did NOT just hashtag YOLO.
    We can't be friends.
