Sunday, November 11, 2012

Reuniting's rock-physically and spiritually.

This weekend I took a crazy road trip to Austin, TX-it was me, June (my car), and my wonderful iPod with the open road!  The 8 hour drive was wonderful enough-getting to scream a plethora of songs varying from T-Swift, WICKED, Passion, DCB, and many random others.  To get to just-BE for 8 whole hours by my self with the Lord to think and pray.  It was the longest car trip I have driven thus far in my 20 years of life and I decided I LOVED it.  But that wasn't even the point of the weekend!....(continue down)

The MS river-between Vicksburg, and Louisiana!

It was SO beautiful on the open TX roads with the trees changing before my eyes.
SO.  I went to see some people I met in East Asia-who are at a stage of life that ultimately in 10 years I genuinely see myself being at.  It was a first for me to get to know people that that are precisely where I want to be so I soaked up every single minute of talking, listening, and asking questions.  I loved every moment and it was genuinely worth every penny of gas, and moment spent in June.

I learned quite a bit.
1- I was reminded of how much I love serving families and desire to on a weekly basis here at school and to be a part of a forming one.  I hope to be able to pro-actively do something about it soon.
2-I also was reminded of why to go...why you ask?  Well-ask yourself why NOT?  Don't ask why-but why not?  The reasons suddenly get smaller as you ponder the vast amounts of people who need Jesus and how He indeed calls us all to GO.  Not permanently (though some of us are and I can hardly wait)-but indeed to at some point.  I love being around people who are ultra-sensitive to the spirit because I pray that I get to be 'that family' one day that is just on the dot of where the Lord wants.
3-I also am beginning to see that my family in Canada was not some over-extreme perfection of parenting-but that in fact their style might be 'normal' for the household devoted to the Lord.  I can't wait to see what the Lord has planned for my life with this persona of 'parenting' playing out in my head.

Then Sunday I went to church and heard SUCH a wonderful message from Michael and it was about Ezekiel 37-the Valley of the Dry Bones.  Now I am not saying I am in a valley or anything-I love where I am in life and soak up every moment.  I am saying however that my heart is in a valley.  That it forgets everything I learned this summer and yearns to go back to some old ways of life.  And my flesh says yes, but my spirit says no; thus creating utter inner turmoil.  I was praying about it until I looked at the mirror and saw, "RUN LIKE HELL!" written on it and realized that there is more to do than pray.  Jesus-I am running from my old ways of life and sprinting into Your arms, and into the presence of my dear friends who will keep me accountable in life and will pray with me.  I thank You for them endlessly.

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