Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Dreams beginning to meet reality

Holaaaaa blog world.
Well it has been a whirlwind of a week-all before Thanksgiving break.  Let's get right to it.
So in case you have never gotten the memo-I love Jesus+I love East Asia=I want to go to East Asia for Him when I am done at MC (nothing new).  I know the end result; journeyman.  I just am trying to figure out the journey to journeyman (so it sounded cool and wise in the moment OK!)  If you want the whole story and you are actually reading this blog and don't know-then message me-but 9 times out of 10 you already know my over-analyzing story over it all with my major andddd I don't feel like explaining it over this medium.

It is weird thinking about life outside this bubble of Clinton, MS-getting to embrace the world at its' finest.  And to be honest I would ignore this ridiculous...nudge..i don't like the word call (I think it frightens me a little still) I don't know what to call it..anyways this *insert word here* for East Asia.  However- I can't ignore the fact that I am so chill with living there while most people aren't (note:  nothing against that-I am glad people are in America-without I wouldn't be here) however we all have a 'feeling' for places to live- and for some reason God decided to place this 'feeling' to me for overseas.  I can't ignore the thousands of people that are being eternally separated from Christ-being thrown into Hell because they don't know Jesus.  I can't ignore the fact that I would do anything to go overseas any moment of life.  Gosh I can't imagine my life without Him; I want everyone to know what He can do for them.  I mean-y'all I deserve Hell; you deserve Hell too.  However THANKS BE TO GOD THROUGH CHRIST I get to be seen as pure...PURE.. as in..flawless.  OK I could continue my rant because it simply astounds me on a daily basis; but I shall stop at that and safely say; East Asian people need Him and I am going to be God's vessel for it!

First meal in E.A.  Glad that moment is eternally over!
I just didn't expect to have this conversation with my family right now.  The conversation where it goes something like having reality hit them that one day they will bring me to an airport with a one way ticket.  That it will be the last hug for a long time.  It literally saddens my heart every time I think of it in that matter.  However every time I am with my Chinese convo partner or international students in general; I feel so 'in' and could see my lifestyle being that, and realizing we won't socialize in heaven; that drives my emotions more-so.
First ticket to Asia; ready for another one!
In one month from this moment I will be in my Canadian home.  I can hardly believe I get to type this.  That my dream to go back is actually occurring and that second chances do happen.  I think about having my dance parties with the fam; getting to worship and have genuine life with the people that poured into me knowing I would leave in 2 months expecting to never have contact with me again (thank you God for letting that one be false!)  Safe to say; my countdown is penetrating my every ion of being.
Summertime BeaverTail; in Winter I plan to eat one while ICE SKATING!

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