Thursday, March 7, 2013

"Are you afraid to die, or just afraid to live?"

What can I say-being 21 is awesome!
So-Friday night me and 30 friends went to Applebees to celebrate my turning 21 and being able to drink in America.  The only other time I drank was in Canada-so it was an experience getting to honestly have alcohol for the first time in the States, and do it legally!  I loved getting to hang out with all my friends at one time in once place-with everything from school ceasing that night.  Afterwards I drove around with Becca and Ashleigh car worshiping and going to Wal-Mart.
my table-one of 5 tables-we overtook 1/3 of Applebees!
Saturday I woke up quite tired, so I hung around, made note cards, got 3 boxes of girl scout cookies with Becca, slept more, and then went to olive garden with Becca, Laura, and Wesley.  We were driving around when the idea of New Orleans came up-we all pondered it and decided it was a go!
the Olive Garden group!
So we ran by MC to change into comfy clothes, and off we went.  Screaming Taylor Swift, WICKED, Jesus tunes, with some interludes of embarrassing stories, and past crushes.  After I sucked at Becca's GPS, we got to cafe du monde.  Had some benginets, and got into a power sugar fight!  We walked around to realize there wasn't anywhere to for me to get something to drink (I mean-it's my 21st birthday in NOLA-one is required at this point y'all) so we asked my cousin who lives in NOLA for a good place to go-she gave us The Boot.  So off we went-3 am to a kind-of dance/social club.  Wesley and I meandered our way to the bar, hung for a few minutes, and back to the car we went for the 3 hour drive back to MC.  Wesley drove back while Laura was OUT, and Becca slept for a little while-while Wesley and I jammed to some of his tunes.  We got back at 7 am-and I took a 3 hour 'power nap'.
As you can see-the powder sugar was FLYING-but YUMMY!
After the 'power nap' Michelle and I met up to go skydiving!  So off we went- 2/12 hours south to Lumberton, MS to Gold Coast Sky Diving.  We meet up with my dad and wait our turn for the specific plane for us.   I am quite tired so I don't really care what is going on; Michelle was freaking out obviously.  So we get geared up, and on to the plane we go!  We are 14,500 feet in the air and it hits me I am about to jump.  I still don't really care because it's going to be fun!  So with a lean, and a jump-off towards planet Earth we go.  The feeling was like none other.  I felt like Superwoman honestly.  The FREEZING air rushing past me, and after 66 seconds of falling (Michelle claims she counted it) we pull the parachute, and go into a vertical position.  Around this time it hits me:  I am getting motion sick!  I knew in the end I was going to throw-up.  From this point on I wanted to get on the ground, but still tried to enjoy the view with my spirit while my body was trying to react.  So as soon as I hit the ground, I threw up.  Sucked.  I was pale and feeling awful-but I did it!  The car ride home wasn't pleasant, and I studied for 20 minutes and to bed I went to sleep off the weekend.
*Pictures are coming eventually!!*

I bought a shirt that said, "Are you afraid to die, or afraid to live?"  And I decided that is my life anthem for the positive and negative.   God programmed me to go big, or go home.  I tend to do things without two thoughts because it sounds cool, or because that is just how Jesus and I communicate.  I just like that phrase for everything in life.  It basically is saying "why not?".  Why would you not go to a foreign country for some time, why not jump out of a plane, why not try that weird food, why not get the tattoo you truly want?  Fear of what:  judgement from peers, heights, to not like it, life itself?  Philippians 1:21-For as for me, to Christ I live, and to die is gain. In the end-we all shall die and either go to heaven or hell and I want to get before the Lord and be all used up for HIS glory, not my own.

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