Monday, May 13, 2013

The analyses of May-mester-day 1.

May-mester has started.  American Literature.  Day 1 we talked about the American Dream.  What is the typical american dream verses mine?  Basically fire and ice.  I don't plan to reside in America in a year.  One year and a few months from now I will be studying abroad in China Lord willing, to hopefully move somewhere in East Asia after.  So-at the very beginning my dream is not just an American dream, but a world-minded dream.  I'll post some of my journal from class.

"My American dream is to develop as many close friends as possible to do life with, with full intentions of leaving and scarcely coming back, but knowing life will keep us connected...My dream is to be able to leave for how ever long, come back, and people know me only by the great God that I serve...I dream to travel with my best friends I've made here at MC...I dream of cloudy skies that inhabit because of pollution.  I dream of taking every blue sky captive in my thoughts, and pray to never forget the sight, smells, and basic vicinity of it all."

I am sometimes quite dramatic with my thoughts so I apologize, however you get the jist of it all.

The Lord is clearly showing me that I am not even close to finished with this task, of making as many close friends as possible.  I am still eagerly having friend crushes; how God and I communicate of who to befriend and when.  I love how life happens before my eyes, and I still have the pleasure of glorifying the Lord with my life here in America, with my future life in Asia, and with my past experiences.  I love watching Romans 8:28 come alive in my life, daily; no matter the circumstance.

That is day 1.  Short.  Sweet.  To the point.  I don't plan to blog every day, but with the amount of time I have right now, who knows what to expect!

1 comment:

  1. I love your journal about your American dream, or rather LACK of one. good stuff.
