Thursday, May 23, 2013

Things that aggravate me:

I know that once I say it on the internet there is no turning back.  However my convictions are strong.  A lot of these pondering's come from Follow Me by David Platt.  Go read the book.  It will change your life.  For real.
SO....things that aggravate me:

1-how Christ views the church and we view the church are two separate entities.  The church is not 'FBC of *insert city*' or 'St. *insert name*'.  The church is you and I.  Last summer I got asked what would happen to the church if a fire took out the building, and I had the pleasure of leading a guy to understand fully what 'the church' was.  That the church is who Christ calls to be His.  Period.

2- how cultural Christianity is running rampant before my eyes.  I know too many people going to hell to not address this issue.  It doesn't matter for an instant what happened when you were 5...7...9 years old.  What about now?  Salvation is not a one a one-time deal and then finished.  Salvation is a day-by-day process.  Christ is THE only way to heaven, and a personal relationship with Him until death do us part.

3-how we have to be different people at church.  One time I remember saying 'pissed off' at something or whatever at church, and someone told me that I should wait to say it until I am not at church.  As if Christ doesn't already know our hearts?  So we need to be a stained glass masquerade on Sunday's?  I'm here to tell y'all-I don't want to fall into that category.  If I am pissed off-I'm gonna be pissed, and will speak my mind.  Jesus and I will talk it out later.  Thank you.

4- how language controls my life.  With being pissed off-since I'm going to say it 9474721 times in a blog.  I am pissed off at my language these days.  Sheesh.  Hell, Damn, God, and Jesus Christ need to be words describing either my Savior or what happens to those who don't know Him.  Not what happens when I bite my tongue, or accidentally run a stop sign.

5- how much sin SUCKS and tries to overrule our lives.  Romans 7 is the cry of my heart, 100% of the time basically.  I wish I could punch Satan in the face; all the time.

6- how can we spend thousands of dollars on mundane things, like food courts for mega-churches, or random things that won't matter next year when thousands of people are plummeting into Hell DAILY. I am not bashing mega-churches or anything-I am simply stating the facts:  people are going to hell.  Let's GO tell 'em about the Hope they don't know about! :) 

7- how people assume that missionaries are 'called'.  Nope.  Once becoming a Christian you are called to spread the gospel.  You are called to go to the ends of the earth.  For ever?  Not necessarily.  But for a period of time?  Yep.

Thank you for listening.  Tune in next time for a lighter blog probably.  This is what happens the night before my final for American Literature.  Instead of studying..