Monday, August 19, 2019

I am out of cute titles.

Hmmmmmm. It has been an uneventful but exciting week. 
In light hearted news, I cut my own hair!!
Considering I literally jus went for it I claim a win. 
I went to a Peruvian church--non-Catholic. Yep, it was pretty much a Baptist church. In the middle of Peru-who thought? Lots of missionaries and young people go there. It was pretty cool. My Irish friend, Karen, helped me a little bit; between my limited knowledge and my English bible I could give a brief overview, so I claim a win! (We talked a Deuteronomy 12.)
It was refreshing to my Spirit to be with fellow believers. To talk about Jesus and know we all believe that He is the Son of God that came for you and me. That He saves us not by our works, but because of His marvelous grace. It. Was. Wonderful. 
yep. Looks normal huh?
Some days I forget I live in South America. Then some days I stumble across this scene and get so overwhelmed by how hard I have fought for recovery to live here. I hope to be in this state of thankfulness for quite some time. I don't want to ever relive 2016-2018, but without those years I would not be where I am today. I am not saying it has been easy or perfect here, let us be specific. (By any means.) But I am here to say that this is my home and I adore it. (My dad commented on the steepness of the hill and I honesly forget about it. It is my normal!)
I teach a few classes a day at school, waiting for my work visa to come back so I can have my own classroom. It has been so fun! I am giving presentations about culture. (If you follow me on FB then you probably contributed-so thanks!) I get to teach Peruvians about America, and honestly learn more myself. I get to teach about the fun music, to 9/11-all the topics. They like conroversial topics sometimes, so it is pretty fun to just go for it! 
Over here I am `too old` to like Taylor Swift I learned real quickly. BUT I have a class of high school seniors (mostly girls); of course we jam to Taylor.
This is 27 living in Peru-some of my music taste is equivalent to 17 year olds.

So, Overall. It is a whirlwind of experiences everyday. I thankfully do not feel lonely because I have made so many buddies. Real life messiness of life friends, teacher friends, church friends, random friends; all the people happy to help me aclimate to this beautiful place I now call home. 

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