Monday, August 12, 2019

Keep on keepin´on

I wish I had a lot to say. Some inspiration that has happened. But alas, not really.
Well, one crazy thing happened.
You see, there´s big hoopla happening in Arequipa because long story short they found gold, copper, and silver-and a lot of it out in the highlands. The government gave the OK to mine it, and the people from the highlands are livid (duh). So, they traveled to the center of Arequipa, where my school happens to be, and protested. They can get violent. They march down all the streets with trumpets, blowhorns, megaphones, flags, and all things loud/sight grabbing.
So. On one of the days there was protesting, but it had stopped for a little while where we were. I needed notecards, so I walked down the street to get some. While I am in this little hole in the wall place, the protests start banging down the street. They have to close the metal doors all the way down, and wait for about 10/15 minutes. So, I ended up getting to practice my Spanish! But all that to say, I was stuck in the picture below with strangers. If I only waited a few minutes longer...
This is the guy peeking out to see what was happening!
Other than that nothing thrilling has happened. I have hung with my American friend, Cecelia. I have gone to Karina´s house (my official Peruvian BFF) to hang with her and her sweet family. She has been such a blessing and bright spot in my life, and look forward to all life has to offer us together.
I have gone running a bit. That elevation will get ya, but so will the hills mountains. See below to see what a typical run looks like. My legs don´t hurt anymore; my lungs say different though!

Blogging always helps me pause and think what the Lord is teaching me. I am learning what community looks like as a newcomer in a new country. I have my Pinelake community still thankfully, because of livestream. I cry every week now because I am so overcome with spending an hour and a half with people who fall on their knees before Jesus, as I do. I have community at school with my lunch club ladies. I am being encouraged immensely by people who think differently than me. I have all my buddies across the country that I met at FH keeping me laughing, and checking in for real life.
Running here!
Real life. THAT is why I am here. I am not here to come and quietly do life. I am here to get into the mess of it all with my friends. I am here to learn the in´s and out´s, share mine, and hopefully show how the Lord is why I am here; here on this Earth still, and here in Peru. That mircales are indeed possible. I am thankful for what´s already happened, and look forward to the life that will be lived.

Overall, nothing crazy to report. Just another week living abroad. Another week to do life, and figure out culture norms. Another week to live life, and be the boring home body I am :D 

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