Thursday, July 12, 2012

Beautiful Things

                                                          Hello blog world!
            So this came RIGHT after the C!C weekly but that wasn't my week-so here it is! :)
Well it is back to a 'normal' week for this week in office world. 
Monday's Sabbath was pure perfection.  I just got to rest in the beauty of God-awesome.
I get to see Wicked in 5 days-ONE HAND; and I am fulfilling my bucket list slowly which is coolio!

Lilly and Caleb are continuing to grow closer to me-so here are a few pics that we took together!
I am glad we are so close but everytime I ponder the fact I really don't live here makes me just want to cry and 'loose' my passport ;) AND becasue Carrie is THE bestest cook-EVER. Amen.
Caleb and I enjoyed the 'burst' button making 3 pictures one after another fast-so that was my favorite picture that occured from them all.  Totally describes us.

Lilly, Caleb, and I took a few fun ones-so here is the chaos that is my life :)
I finally realized what I love most about Ottawa.  Though I love my school, we as the 'bible belt' (including myself) are mega judgemental on people.  So in case you didn't know-I have a very unique personality of loud and crazy of which people either love or hate; though I am confident in who God made me I am used to people either accepting it or not.  So I was prepared for that here-and quite the contrary happened.  No one here has tried to change my personality at the core-it's super refreshing to see God's love at work with no strings attached.  I found a new word for C!C: loving.
So far my 'words' have been: genuine, transparent, intimate, and now loving!
Something you can pray for.  I feel that being here as a 'summer missionary' I feel the expectation to 'do' this and 'not do' this and in case you didn't know-I screw up a lot.  So thus I am epically failing at this so-called 'list'.  So I feel Satan directly attacking me at my weakest point telling me that I am failing at being a 'summer missionary'.  However I KNOW my assurance is in Christ and that He who began a good work in me will finish it; however in the moment of spiritual warfare I often forget.  So pray that I be faithful to remembering the word that I have hidden in my heart.


  1. you have in absolutely no way at all, failed. not even minutely. all you had to do, was get here. and that's it. the rest is Him working through you. and the both of you are doing a rockin' job.

  2. Dude, I am so praying for you and know what the "failure" feels like. Remember, you are more than a conqueror in Christ! He has anointed you and called you and is working in the mishaps, and when it doesn't seem like it. Love you!
