Sunday, July 22, 2012

Living life saturated in the culture of C!C and Ottawa.

Well this week in the office was INCREDIBLY productive-partly because I was bymy self and partly because I had a lot of physical outcomes from the week.  I love structured things to do so I particularly enjoyed this week.  Examples:  I varnished a train, am organizing the storage box, made a book list of every book C! station has, and am getting ready for August 5th.  Good week.

J and Carrie were deeply involved with a group of 'World Changers' so J slept at the school and Carrie trekked over each morning.  So Carries mama-'MeMe' came up for 2 wonderful weeks.  So I got to spend a lot of time with her and it was so wonderful-it was so sad to see her leave becasue I totally enjoyed her company and getting to know a wiser sister/mama in Christ!

I got to help lead worship with the band guys this Sunday-which was simply amazing.  I absolutely love singing in church and just being a vessel of the Lord for His glory.  It was the coolest experience ever to lead with my fellow brothers in Christ and sing Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)-that song will definitely bring up my wonderful memories of C!C.

Friday night some girls and I went downtown and saw the light show on  parliment-it was WELL worth staying out til midnight! :)  (Michelle-this picture was put on for YOU so you could see a pic!)

The sermon was literally as if God took Jason-let him know the deepest parts of my heart- and spoke.  However Jason was simply just preaching like every other Sunday-but the Lord knew that I needed to hear what J had to say and it was spectacularly convicting.  He preached on the parable of the good samaritian-however I have never heard it preached from this angle and I think I enjoyed it most like this.  His points were: feeling justified, Jesus and _______, and gorge on grace.
1-We try to justify things to God to avoid guilt; mainly things we 'deserve' or certain sins that we try to hold to a higher standard.  In simple:  "Lord I know I'm supossed to _______ but I _______."  One other good subpoint-If we know something it'll affect us, but if we believe it-it'll change us.
Belief is the extension of knowledge, which leads to true justification.  Just as if I had never sinned.  That is something that will never get old I think-I can't fathom this state of being!
2-Jesus & _________.  Insert in the blank what makes you feel 'justified' or what you need to do or not do to feel justified-insinuating works.
we can not move away from our position with Jesus.  It's Jesus PERIOD-not Jesus and.
3-grace-undeserved kindness.
be prepared to give radically because He loves us radically.
I just wanted to share a few of my sermons notes because I loved it so much.

I pray one day to be a part of a church as wonderfully devoted to the Lord as Celebration.  SUCH a close knit group of believers who come together to enjoy fellowship with one another and give praise to Him.  My standard for church and small group has increased leaps and bounds for sure.  The amount of realism in their lives is-unreal!

I was going to write some sappy thing about how my time here is ending-but I still have 2 full weeks so I decided to wait a week for that one-so tune in next blog (and probably the next 5!) for that!

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